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Quirrell turned around in bed. It was already bright outside but honestly, he was just too lazy to get up and it was just so cozy in bed. „Morning Squirrel" he heard his boyfriend whisper and felt his arms, wrapping around him. „Morning my Dark King" Quirrell joked. Voldemort grimaced. „Ew please don't remind me" Quirrell chuckled. „Well I have to admit it's not the best thought to start the day. By the way I'm ac pretty exhausted from the sledding ye so would you like to maybe take a bubble bath with me and just generally relax?" he asked.

Voldemort smiled. „I'm always in for cuddles in the hot tub w you" „That's all I needed to hear! So how about we get up, eat some breakfast and then start right away with the relaxing?" Quirrell suggested. „OR we could just stay in bed for a while since it's only like 9am" Voldemort complained. But Quirrell already got up from the bed and began to pull on Voldemort's blanket. „Stop stealing my blanket!" his boyfriend shouted. Quirrell grinned. „Then get up" he only heard Voldemort groaning while he left the room.

After breakfast, Quirrell started to let the hot tub fill up and put a bath bomb in it. It filled up pretty soon an Voldemort joined him a few minutes later. Without a warning, he just sat exactly on Quirrell"s lap. Quirrell grinned. Voldemort replied with an grin. "You'd need to make more space, if you want me to get off of you" willingly, Quirrell moved a bit to the side.

Voldemort immediately pulled his boyfriend close to cuddle with him. The both of them closed their eyes. Felt the warm water, the skin and the breathing of the other one. Smelled the scent of the water and of each other. Heard the breathing from the other one. And felt the warmth, love and a fuzzy feeling through their whole bodies. It was a wonderful moment. Just for themselves.

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