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„Come, this way, I still need to go to that book shop!" Quirrell said, pulling his boyfriend by the hand through the people. They were in the shopping mall, buying presents for Christmas. Which meant Quirrell was buying presents for Christmas, since Voldemort didn't have any family left, so he only had to get something for Quirrell, which he wouldn't buy when his boyfriend was with him.

However, he reluctantly had agreed to accompany Quirrell buying presents. Quirrell really was thankful for that and he knew, that this decision wasn't that easy for his boyfriend. Voldemort really hated crowds, it made him feel uncomfortable and judged by all the people around him. As soon as someone near to them started to laugh or something like that, he asked himself, if they were laughing about him or judging him.

That was also the reason, why Voldemort grimaced now: "I'm how many shops do you still wanna go?" "That's the last one, I promise!" "You said that already three shops ago" Voldemort complained. Quirrell sighed. It was never quite easy to go shopping with Voldemort. When he asked him about articles, whether he liked them, he mostly gave a vague answer, unless something really thrilled him. And mostly, after the second or third shop, he started to complain.

But Quirrell had to admit, that he also felt kind of guilty, cause if he wouldn't have convinced his boyfriend to go shopping with him in the first place, Voldemort wouldn't be feeling uncomfortable. "I'm sorry" he said. "I promise, this one is really the last!" "I sure hope so" Voldemort replied, sidestepping a group of people who got too close for his taste. "There's the book shop!" Quirrell said, pointing at a blue writing above a shop.

When they got in, Voldemort took the next seat he could find, without people near, to rest from this stressful shopping trip. Quirrell knew, that his boyfriend didn't quite get why people would even do that for fun. To him, it was just exhausting. But he did it for Quirrell, which Quirrell really appreciated.

A purple book in the shelf next to him, caught Quirrell's attention, so he got to the shelf and read the summary on the back. Or well, he wanted to, but on the back there only were pretty unhelpful ratings about the book. Annoyed, he put the book back to the shelf.

He looked over to Voldemort, who really seemed exhausted. He sighed. He couldn't just keep shopping and let his boyfriend wait even longer. He walked over to Voldemort. "If you want, we can leave" he said. Voldemort looked up. "You're already finished?" he asked, surprised. "Usually you need at least half an hour in here!" "Well, I decided to return later, but alone. I saw you sitting over here and thought that you might be in need of a rest at home" Voldemort grinned. "You know what?" "What?" "That's the best idea you had today!"

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