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Quirrell looked through the photos he and Voldemort took today, smiling. He still was so happy that his boyfriend did agree to even do a whole photo shoot with him. He was sure he had asked him at least 6 times before, but Voldemort always had rejected the idea or found some stupid excuses. But now he actually did agree and Quirrell was just happy about it.

He shook his head. Actually it was kind of weird that he cared so much about taking these photos. But to him, photos were memories and this photos, would always remember him of the wonderful Christmas time he had with his boyfriend this year.

"You're not going to put this one on our shelf, are you?" Voldemort's shocked voice interrupted Quirrell's thoughts. He gave his boyfriend a surprised glance. "What's wrong with it? I think it looks pretty cute" he answered. "Yeah you look cute, because you are literally perfect but look at me! I look completely horrible on that one!" he complained. "Please" Quirrell replied. "You never, really never look horrible, okay?" Voldemort snorted sarcastically. "Well there's your horrible evidence because I do in fact look horrible on that picture" he buried his face in his hands and groaned.

Quirrell sighed. His boyfriend did in fact look perfect. But he still was sometimes kind of insecure about his looks, especially on photos. "Look, we don't have to take this one, if it makes you uncomfortable" Quirrell said. "We can just take one of the others" "It doesn't matter because I look horrible on each and everyone of them! I just look like hell on pictures!" He abruptly got up from the couch and started to walk through the room, back and forth.

Quirrell sighed again. He could forget choosing photos for the shelf right now. He put them aside and got up himself. He knew exactly what his boyfriend needed right now to calm down. He put on some music, strictly speaking their favorite song. Then he walked over to Voldemort and took his hand. "May I have this dance?" He said, grinning.

Voldemort couldn't help but smile. "Of course" he whispered and pulled his boyfriend close. Quirrell could feel Voldemort's body heat and a comforting shiver ran through his body. The both of them started to dance through the whole living room and every time the song ended, they played it on repeat.

It was a wonderful feeling to dance with Voldemort. The two of them formed a deep connected unity which both of them felt. Quirrell never wanted this breathtaking moment to end.

They probably would've danced for the whole day, if they wouldn't be getting hungry. And so they looked at each other after quite a while of dancing, and both knew, that they probably would starve or alike, if they wouldn't go eat some lunch now.

As they stopped, Voldemort smiled at Quirrell. "Thank you so much" he said. "Honestly! Thank you for forgiving me, and thank you for this most wonderful dance of my life" Quirrell blushed. "Of course" he replied. They looked at each other for a few seconds. And then they kissed passionately.

A Wonderful Christmas Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ