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Quirrell and Voldemort were on their way to the cinema. They had decided to watch a Christmas romance movie. Quirrell had to convince his boyfriend, who actually did like that type of movie too, but didn't want to be seen in public, watching such a movie. But when Quirrell showed him the rest of the available movies, (a horror movie, a documentary and a movie for children) he agreed to watch the Christmas romance.

But that was not what bothered Quirrell. He had noticed, that Voldemort mostly talked about that clue thing, the topic he had mainly talked about the last two days. He seemed to focus way too much on that scavenger hunt, for which they didn't even know the reason. It wasn't unusual that his boyfriend got way too excited about a thing, sometimes even kind of obsessive. But what Quirrell didn't like about this case, was that Voldemort didn't seem to really care about the fact that this could've been a romantic date, if he wouldn't be so obsessive about that damn clue.

Of course, he had to admit that it had been way more fun than he expected, to search for clues with his boyfriend, but he focused on the time they spent together, the fun they had searching, while Voldemort mostly focused on the goal: finding the clues, unravel them and then immediately start searching the next one. At the beginning he was fine with that, he kind of was used to it. But now it started to bother him, not only a little.

"Is everything alright?" Voldemort asked. "You've been so quiet the whole way here" Quirrell looked up. "Oh yeah sure, everything's cool" he smiled weakly. Voldemort raised one eyebrow in disbelief. "You know you can tell me everything, right?" he said. Quirrell nodded. "Let's just enjoy this movie, okay?" "Okay..." Voldemort said hesitant.

He opened the door of the cinema and they walked over to the pay desk. "What do you want for snacks?" Quirrell asked. "You decide" "Okay uh... are you fine with some popcorn?" "Yeah sure, let's share a big portion" they payed and got to their seats. The movie hadn't even started, but Voldemort already started to analyze the whole room for something unusual what might could be another hint. Quirrell tried, not to sigh loudly and sat down on his seat. He would tolerate this behavior until the movie would start.

Which actually was... right now. "Come on, sit down, the movie starts!" He whispered. His boyfriend gave him a surprised look. "But we didn't find anything yet!" "Sure, but other people might wanna watch that movie in peace, including me" Voldemort understood, and took a seat next to Quirrell.

But through the whole movie, his eyes wandered through the room, searching. Quirrell really had problems to focus on the movie, with his fidgety boyfriend next to him. But he definitely had enough, when he found a small piece of paper at the bottom of their popcorn bag during the end credits.

Without a word, he stood up and left the cinema. He heard Voldemort shouting his name and running after him. "Wait! Quirrell, what happened?! Did- did I do something wrong?" Quirrell turned around abruptly. He sighed loudly. "Maybe next time try to concentrate on us and our date instead of finding some stupid piece of paper"

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