𝕓𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕙𝕠𝕘𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤

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(This is a little backstory about how your life with Snape is and about other stuff too)

My father wasn't as bad as everyone made him out to be. Yeah I've heard how he mentally abuses his students but he wasn't like that at all. Well at least he wasn't like that before he became a Death Eater. He was the best father I could ever ask for. He would always be there for me whenever I was going through stuff. My mother died due to some sickness I don't know what it's called though. My father never bothered to tell me what it was. He would always go to her room and just cry on her bed saying how much he misses her. It's kind of sad but she wasn't a good mother to me so I didn't really care.

"Are you listening...Y/n?" I kind of dozed off and didn't hear anything he was saying.

"I'm not going to lie to you...no I wasn't listening father" he rolled his eyes at me and then turned around. I knew it wasn't good news because he never looks at me directly when it's not something good.

"We have to move" I jumped up and hugged him. I was so excited to finally leave. I hate it here, not a lot of good memories so it's good to have a new start.

"About time I was wondering how many more years I had to deal with living here" he pushed me lightly and we both started laughing.

"I'm kidding I love living here but I think we need a new start, you know? Anyways where are we moving to?" I was not prepared for what he was going to say next. And believe me, I didn't like it.

"Yes I know what you mean. But we're moving to the Malfoy Manor. Before you say anything I know you don't like them but they offered us separate rooms and the good thing is that we don't have to pay for rent" we both laughed a little but then I got serious. What does he expect from me? We're going to be living in a house full of Death Eaters it's not safe for me.

"As much as I love you father...Are you crazy?! Seriously?! The Malfoys?! You know how much Draco hates me. Plus it's going to be full of Death Eaters, it's not safe for me to be there" he sighed trying to calm himself. I know how much he hates it when I disagree about the actions he makes. But it's the Malfoys we're talking about here!!

"I know, but maybe living with them won't be as bad as you think. Plus you don't have to see them much you can stay in your room if you want. Or if you want because I know how much you love gossip you can always join some of the meetings" I laugh a little at his comment because he's not wrong. When he became a professor at Hogwarts I begged him to tell me any drama that would happen there, which he did. He would run into my room and tell me everything. I loved that he actually told me. But I hate this. I prefer living with the Devil himself than having to deal with Draco Malfoy. Scratch that! Draco is the devil, no he's worse than the Devil.

"Fine! But I'm only doing this for you, okay?" he quickly hugged me really tight and started thanking me saying how mature I am about how I dealt with the situation. Even though I kind of didn't but that doesn't matter. What matters is that he's happy. But I wasn't prepared for anything that would happen.


Months pass and we're already packing up stuff up and moving it into the Malfoy Manor. Ugh I already hate it and we just arrived. As we walk into the Manor, Draco is standing there giving me a dirty look I quickly flicked him off and he got really mad.

"Father did you not just see what they just did? They flicked me off!" he sounded so childish. Who snitches to their father? Clearly him but that's besides the point.

"Now now Draco, they're going to be living with us and we should treat them like family" ew I would never consider them family.

Narcissa showed us around the Manor and then she showed me where my room was. It was gorgeous. But sadly next to Draco's room...

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