𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕖

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I put on some mascara, some lipgloss, and some highlighter on my cheek bones. I then put on the clothes I want to wear for the date. I paired that with my white vans.

As I leave my dorm room and go out of the Hufflepuff common room but I bump into someone

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As I leave my dorm room and go out of the Hufflepuff common room but I bump into someone.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Draco states at me with a disgusted look on his face.

"I'm going on a date with George which is none of your business" he rolled his eyes at me then gave me a death stare.

"Ugh you're dating that blood traitor. Honestly you would be better off without that Weaselbee" I give him a dirty look and just walked away. I don't have time for Draco especially when I have somewhere far more important than talking to that blood supremacist.

I go to the Astronomy tower and see George sitting on a soft pink blanket. Geez he's hot! I look around the Astronomy Tower and see candles laying around.

"You know you could burn this down if you forget to turn them off right?" he laughs a little but tries to hold it in. He pats on the blanket signaling me to sit down next to him.

I walk over and sit next to him. He immediately puts his hand on my thigh once I sit down. I look at him and catch him staring at me while smiling. He quickly puts his other hand on my cheek. He stares at me while rubbing his thumb on my cheek. He finally starts to talk.

"You are so beautiful Y/n. I have to tell you something" he looked nervous for some reason. He looked down trying to process what to say next.

"When I saw you at the Great Hall getting sorted into your house you looked breath taking. When we bumped into each other it's like you took my breath away Y/n. When I looked into your beautiful E/C eyes I instantly fell in love with you" I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I just sat there staring into his eyes while he kept talking about how he felt. I felt bad for not listening so I brought my attention back to him.

"It was you Y/n. You were the one I smelled in my Amortentia and I know you smelled me" he stared into my eyes for a little while but he quickly closed his eyes. He let go of my face and turned around. He probably thinks I don't feel the same way. Little does he know, I do.

So I quickly turn him around and grab his tie pulling him close to my face to the point where we're only an inch away from each other. I lean in and kiss him. I pull away to see his expression on his face. But he looked shocked. He looked like he didn't know what to do.

But he snapped out of it and grabbed my face pulling me in for another kiss. But this one was long and passionate. Nothing like how I kissed him. We then stopped and he laughed a little tilting his head back while laughing. Then he wanted to dance again like we did when we first met. After we danced we cuddled while looking at the stars.

We talk about everything. He talked about how him and Fred want to open a shop. I told him how I have to stay at the Malfoy Manor and everything else, including the meeting.


I feel someone trying to shake me awake so I quickly get up.

"Lumos" once I whisper the spell the tip of my wand lights up. Once it lights up it reveals who woke me up. It was Hannah Abbott, my roommate/bestfriend. We surprisingly became bestfriends two days after I arrived to Hogwarts.

"Wake up or you're going to be late!" she kept shaking me even though I was awake already. I rub my eyes because my vision was a little blurry.

"Late for what— what day is it?!" I look at my phone which says that it's Saturday. Yesterday me and George went on our first date. But today I'm supposed to stay at the Malfoy Manor with the Malfoys and my father of course. I wasn't really excited for it but I still got up to get dressed.

"Come on! Hurry up Y/n!" I love Hannah and all but she can be pretty bossy sometimes. It gets kind of annoying but I've gotten used to it. She leaves so I can put on the clothes I picked out and my white vans.

I leave the dorms and go to the common room. Before I could even leave Cedric called me over.

"Hey Y/n! Where are you going?"

"Oh I'm just going to my house for the weekend. You know, spend some quality time with my dad"

"I definitely understand. My dad wants me to go home today too. So I might as well get packing" he laughs and then walks away to his dorm room.

I finally leave the common room but I bump in to Draco. He turns around slowly and gives me a dirty look, again!

"Well if it isn't George Weaselbee's girlfriend"

"What do you want Draco?"

"I was going to go look for you in the Great Hall but you're here so I might as well tell you right now. Voldemort wants you at the next meeting for some reason. Apparently your his favorite 'granddaughter/grandson/grandkid' his words not mine!"

"Someone sounds jealous. But anyways I live there so I'll obviously be at every meeting" he rolls his eyes at me and then grabs my hand really tight. He starts to lead me somewhere. We end up in the room of requirements. Once he closes the door he slams me up against the door and starts to choke me. I don't understand what he's doing but I know it's not good.

"Don't give me that little attitude of yours or I'll make you scream my name louder than you already have" he smirks while staring into my eyes. I quickly push him away.

"What the hell Draco?! I have a boyfriend, you said it yourself! If you don't want to accept that then oh well! It's not my fault you didn't make a move before I met George" Draco looked shocked he was going to say something. But before he could say anything I open the door and walk out slamming it behind me.

Falling for a Weasley (George Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now