𝕕𝕦𝕞𝕓 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕕𝕠

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(Back to your pov)

After George left Ron quickly turned around to face me. He looked so sad, I almost felt bad for him but after what he did I don't feel that bad.

"Look Y/n I'm so sorry. I don't know why I-" he started talking but all I could hear was what he said about me in front of my face. I quickly got up from my bed and stared at him. He quickly stopped talking. He was going to say something else but I quickly interrupted him.

"No! You do know why you did it! It was to impress that stupid girl! You disrespected me and my father just to satisfy a girl who probably doesn't even like you back!" Ron stayed still for a while processing what I just said. He then sat down on my bed and started punching my bed.

"You're right! It was a dumb thing to do! I'm so stupid! I don't know why I thought that would impress her but I'm sorry Elizabeth. I really am! I understand that the whole situation with your dad must be hard and how we're treating you is probably making it worse...and I'm sorry" he looked like he was going to cry. I felt so bad for him. But I didn't care.

"And that's my fault? Is it my fault that my father chose that path?! No so stop reminding me of it. For Merlin's sake I suffered enough already!" Ron froze after I said that. He wasn't expecting me to say that and I could tell.

"W-what do you mean that you 'suffered enough already' ?" he stared at me with tears in his eyes. Seeing him like this reminded me about how it was when my mother was alive. I didn't mention this before but it wasn't a good life at all. I quickly ran towards him and he looked scared. But once I got close he quickly stood up and I hugged him.

"Ron I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that about Hermione. I'm sure she likes you but bullying people won't make her like you" he hugged me tighter and stayed silent while I was talking. But then he finally began to talk.

"No I'm the one who should be apologizing! You have every right to say that, I deserve it! Bloody hell I'm such an arse" we both then started laughing while still hugging. We then stopped hugging and he wiped his tears away. He then started talking.

"I really am sorry Y/n. You seem like such an amazing person. George was right when he said you are the opposite of what people say you are" I smile and hug him again.

"It's okay Ron don't worry about it. I forgive you" he hugged me back then said goodbye to me and left.

Time goes by really fast as I study more. Man why is this school so hard? And I thought muggle school was hard this is next level! I decide to stop studying and just go to sleep since it's getting dark. I finally fall asleep after trying for a whole hour.


I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on my door.

"Come in!" as soon as I said that the door flew open. It was George! He looked surprised to see me still sleeping.

"I thought you would've been awake by now. Get up it's almost time for breakfast darling" he says as he grabs my blanket and pulls it off.

"What are you staring at? Get up! Now Y/n!"

"Okay calm down dad" he looked shocked when I said that but then he smirks at me.

"Are you trying to say I'm your daddy Y/n?" he's still smirking at me so I throw a pillow at his face.

"No! Get your head out of the gutter you dirty minded freak!" he threw the pillow back at me hitting me in the face. I get up and tell him to leave so I can get ready. I put on my robe, a button down white shirt, my yellow tie, and a skirt that Dumbledore gave me after his speech. I put on my shoes and open my door. I go downstairs to the Hufflepuff common room. George was sitting on the couch talking to Cedric.

"Oh good morning!" Cedric looks at me with the sweetest smile ever.

"Good morning Cedric! You guys ready to go?" they both nod so we head to the Great Hall. Once we enter everyone turns around to look at us. And once again the whispers start.

"Why are they with them? Do they not know that they're going to kill us all?"

"I can't believe Cedric is with them? Is he crazy?!"

"That's enough!" I was shocked to hear Cedric yelling.

"You guys have got to stop saying stuff about Y/n without even meeting them! They're actually such a sweet person and they're also pretty funny too" Cedric looked at me and smiled. He then grabbed my hand and led me to the Hufflepuff table. We sat down next to each other and he started introducing me to some of his friends.

"Nice to meet you Y/n. My name's Anthony Rickett" he shook my hand and we all started talking. All of his friends are so sweet. They didn't judge me for who my father was or anything else. We just had a normal conversation like we've known each other for a long time. The food then appeared at our tables so we started eating.

Falling for a Weasley (George Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now