𝕣𝕦𝕞𝕠𝕣 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕣𝕦𝕞𝕠𝕣...

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After three hours of studying I decide to walk around the school and get to know it's surroundings. While I'm walking I hear people whispering. I sit down somewhere random and use my super hearing to hear what they're saying (I got some uncommon powers that some witches have but I got them from my mother). "I heard that they used to date Draco but he cheated on them so they became a death eater like their father" a girl with long brown hair whispered to the ginger headed girl. "Well I heard that they burned down their last school because Voldemort told them to" the ginger headed girl said.

I get up and walk away furious. Where are they getting these "facts" from. Ugh I can't believe that because of my father people quickly assume that I'm a death eater. I don't even know who Voldemort is! I accidentally bump into a really tall ginger headed boy. I look deeply into his eyes wondering who he could be. Before I could think of who he could possibly be he starts talking.

"Well hello there gorgeous" he says while smiling down at me. Is he really talking to me?! Shouldn't he be with his friends talking about how i'm planning to kill Harry and that's why I'm here or something like that.

"Why are you talking to me? Shouldn't you be off with your friends making assumptions about me?" I immediately regret saying that because for some reason he doesn't seem like that type of person. But I decide to go along with it because I have to act tough in front of everyone now since I'm suddenly a 'Death Eater'.

"Well as much as I would love to gossip about you, which i wouldn't. I thought it would be best to meet you and see if what people are saying about you is true" he looks straight at me. I feel a little uncomfortable as his dark brown eyes keep staring at me.

"Well I'm honored that you would want to meet me" I quickly cover my face with my hands out of embarrassment.

"Forget I said that" we both laugh for a little.

"I'm George Weasley but just call me George. But handsome is also fine" he winks at me and then laughs.

"Well...George I am Y/n as you already know" I bow and he quickly bows with me. We both laugh and he offers to show me around the school. I nod my head yes since I didn't really see much because I was too busy listening to the two girls talk about me. He held out his hand and I look at him confused. He looks at me and then looks back at his hand. I laugh at my own stupidity and I put my hand on his. He quickly grabs my hand and starts leading me somewhere.

Once we guys get to wherever he wanted to take me. I then realize he took me to the Astronomy Tower.

"What are we doing here?" I say while laughing. He looks at me and then takes out his wand. He whispers some kind of spell and out of nowhere slow music starts playing. He bows down and holds out his hand again. I grab his hand and he immediately pulls me close to him.

"I saw how unhappy you looked so I thought a little dance party would cheer you up" he says as we both dance to the music.

"Well it's working so far" I giggle a little and he laughs because he's glad that it worked.

"You can never go wrong with a dance party" he smiles and I roll my eyes at his comment. But I laugh because I know he's not wrong. We continue dancing to what felt like an hour.


We go back downstairs and accidentally bump into two people, a ginger headed boy and a girl with beautiful brown hair. They both looked angry when they saw that we were laughing.

"George what are you doing?!" Hermione looks at him and then me patiently waiting for an explanation.

"I was just getting to know the new kid. They're the complete opposite of what people say they are! They're actually a pretty cool person once you get to know them!" George looks at Hermione and Ron with a smile which fades away once he looks at the way his brother is staring at him. Ron looked like he was going to avada kedavra his ass in that exact moment.

"Are you mental?! They're Snape's kid!" Ron quickly looks at me with the dirtiest look ever.

"So because he's my father you quickly assume that I'm a bad person?! You heard what the Sorting Hat said! I belong in Hufflepuff! If I was a bad person I would've gotten Slytherin but I didn't. Which for your information all Slytherins aren't bad people! You think my dad is a bad person well guess what I don't care because he's actually the sweetest person ever. You guys may not think that because he acts professional in Hogwarts but at home he's a complete different person! You think I'm a death eater? Look!" I lift up both of my sleeves. Hermione and Ron quickly look away but they look at my arms and they see nothing.

"I- I'm so sorry—" Ron quickly tried to apologize but I walk away bumping into his shoulder on purpose. I run to my dorm room. Once I fall to my bed I start crying out of anger. Then I hear someone opening my door.

"Umm...Y/n are you okay?" George says in a concerned tone. He looks really worried about me.

"I am fucking fantastic!" I say it in a really sarcastic tone. He walks towards me and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Don't listen to what Ron said. He can be a real idiot sometimes. He acts a certain way that Hermione wants him to and he does it just to impress her. But I'm sorry" he looked really sad in that exact moment. Hearing him apologize broke my heart to pieces.

"It's not your fault George. Ron is his own person and he should be able to own up to his action. Not you, you did nothing wrong" I grab his hand out of instinct. He jumps out of shock but he keeps your hand there. He looks at me and smiles. He gets closer to me and I thought we were about to kiss in that very moment.

"You had a piece of hair in front of your face" he tucks that piece of hair behind my ear and he smiles. He then wipes my tears away with his thumb.

Falling for a Weasley (George Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now