𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕨𝕖 𝕠𝕜𝕒𝕪?

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She drags me towards her house and makes me stand behind her so the Fat Lady doesn't see me.

"Password" Hermione whispers the password to her. Knowing that she could get in trouble if I knew the password. The door opens and we enter the common room.

"You sit right here and wait until I get back!" she demands as she leaves. I stay on the couch like she told me to because she's scary. I begin to get bored so I just sit there playing with my hands until someone comes in. It was Fred.

"Oh hey what are you doing here? Never mind that! Can I talk to you about something?" I nod my head yes and he sits down next to me. He turns a little so now he's facing straight at me. 

"Do you ever have this one person who makes you smile without hardly trying?" he asked.

"Well it depends on who the person is actually. Because Ron makes me smile all the time and so does George. The only difference is that Ron is just a friend and that George is my boyfriend" I tried to say it calmly because I could still feel myself getting mad as I said George's name.

"Right right. So if someone makes you feel weird in your stomach when they look at you, what does that mean?" I grin as I realize where this is going. But I can't do this to Ron especially when I know he fancies Hermione too.

"That means you fancy them Fred. But you should keep in mind that you're not the only one who fancies Hermione. I mean who wouldn't fancy her!" he looked at me surprised that I know he fancies her. He slowly breathes in and then breathes out as he tries to think of what to say.

"Yeah right I forgot about Ron" he gives me a fake laugh as he scratches the back of his head. I look at him in a knowing look and he nods.

"Okay yeah I think I might fancy Hermione but I can't do that to Ron especially when he's fancied her since they first met" Hermione walked in just as Fred said that Ron fancies her.

"Yeah it's crazy how I felt the same the whole time" she says as she blushes. She looks away as she tries to calm herself down. I laugh a little and then nod trying to reassure her that it's okay.

"Okay never mind that! Here take this it will reverse whatever that potion did" she says as she hands me another potion. I smell it and suddenly remember the conversation I had with George.

"Did you and George talk things out?" she asks to make sure the potion worked. I nod and she sighs of relief.

"So are we okay?" a voice behind Hermione out of nowhere spoke up. She jumps a little knowing that there was no one behind her. She moves away and George walks in. He looks at me with sad puppy eyes and I quickly jump up to hug him. He gives me a kiss on my forehead and hugs me tightly.

"Yes we're okay George" I smile at him and then let go of him. I sit down on the couch next to Fred. Fred gets up and let's George sit next to me but instead he makes me sit on his lap. Fred smiles as he looks at us two and sits back down next to us.

We all talk for hours about seeing Ron and Hermione snogging at the party. She smiled shyly because of how happy she is but Fred didn't seem happy about that. He tried to hide it but I could tell that he was faking it. George started talking about how scared he was to lose me and how thankful he is that Hermione knew what happened.

Ron suddenly walked in interrupting our conversation. We got quiet really fast as we all look straight at Ron. His face became red out of embarrassment.

"Umm...hi! What are you guys doing?" he looked straight at Hermione. She got up and kissed him on the cheek as she holds his hand.

"We're just talking about how we saw you two snogging at the party" I quickly say since everyone was being quiet. He laughs a little and then looks at Hermione again.

"Yeah about that...we talked and told each other how we felt about each other. And now we're dating!" he smiles widely as he announced that. I look over at Fred and he got up walking to his dorm. I get up and hug the both of them saying how happy I am for them.

"Thank you but we should get going. You know to study" Hermione says to me as if I would know what she was talking about. She rolled her eyes at me laughing a little and then grabs my arm again. She pulls me up to her dorm and sits down on her bed.

We study for Potions Class since I walked out in the middle of it. She helped me get caught up with everything that I missed which I'm thankful for. I'm happy to know that she'll be there for me and that she could help me with anything.

We study for a few more minutes until it's time for lunch. We walk out of her dorm with our arms linked laughing like little kids as we walk into the Great Hall. She hugs me and we go our separate ways to our house table. I sit next to Cedric and Hannah while Anthony is on the other side of Cedric.

"What was that about? I thought you guys hated each other" Hannah whispers to me. I look at her confused until I realized she was talking about Hermione.

"We talked things out and now we're friends!" I smile widely at them and they calm down. We finish our food and head to our house. All four of us talk about the big tantrum I pulled in Potions and I laugh in embarrassment. I love them but they just love to tease me about everything!

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