𝕚 𝕨𝕒𝕤𝕟'𝕥 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥!

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I can't believe he just did that! The audacity of that ferret!!! I run to my dorm and pack my things out angrily. I go to my father's class room asking him if he's ready. Once we arrive I quickly run to my room. I sit down on my bed and start beating up my pillow pretending that it's Draco. Then I hear someone knocking.

"Sorry dear I didn't mean to interrupt— are you alright?" Narcissa looked really worried. She walked towards me and sat down on my bed next to me.

"Please don't get mad but...Draco tried to flirt with me and possibly kiss me when I just got into a relationship" her mood quickly changed. She went from worried to pissed off. She quickly got up and started heading towards Draco's room. Which is right next to my room so it didn't take long for her to get there. I was going to stop her but I didn't care. Draco deserves whatever he's going to get from Narcissa.

So I just sat there hearing them argue.

"Draco how could you do something like that?! I raised you better than this!" I could hear Cissy but I was struggling to hear Draco. So I get up and stand next to my door. Until I feel someone touch my shoulder. I turn around and see Bellatrix smiling at me.

"So...what are we listening to?" she had such a big smile on her face. I wasn't expecting her to be like this considering she's part of a group that kill innocent people. But I guess assuming how people are isn't the best idea.

"Cissy yelling at Draco for something he did to me" we both silently giggle trying our best to not laugh too loud.

"Ooo I have the perfect spot!" she tells me to follow her so I did. We stand next to Draco's door but somewhere where they can't see us but we can see and hear them.

"I'm sorry mum! I just thought that they liked me too! I thought we had a moment when they showed that they cared about me!" my heart broke a little bit as it brought me back to when he told me his feelings because he trusted me. But I quickly snapped out of it when Bellatrix started laughing. She runs back into my room and sits on my bed still laughing.

"That was hilarious! I've never seen Narcissa that mad in a while!" we both start to laugh really loud now that we we're in my room. We started talking about their argument until Lucius came.

"Bellatrix, Y/n, the meeting is about to start" he turns around and leaves not giving us any time to say anything. We look at each other and get up to go downstairs. While I walk down the stairs I hear a very familiar voice talking to Draco. Once we arrive downstairs I see Pansy sitting next to Draco laughing about something. She notices me and immediately rolls her eyes at me.

She never liked me because Draco likes me. I don't think she knows that I'm dating George but oh well. I try to look for a seat that isn't next to Pansy but there isn't one. So I sit next to her since I have no choice and Bellatrix sits next to Voldemort. I once again grab my phone and start recording.

Maybe this time the meeting will be interesting. Voldemort starts to go over their last meeting for the people who weren't there such as Peter Pettigrew. I met him when I went to the kitchen last night. By meeting him I mean getting scared by seeing him go from rat to human. He looked really anxious while standing next to a girl floating in the air.

Wait! There's a girl floating in the air at the end of the table! How didn't I notice that before?! She's just there floating without saying anything. She kind of seems like she's struggling to breathe.

Anyways, back to the meeting. Voldemort asks my father where they'll be keeping Harry. But all he says is that he'll probably be with someone he's close to. Probably the Weasleys but I keep that to myself. I've got to keep George and his precious family away from this whole thing.

Bellatrix speaks up about how she volunteers to do the task and kill Harry. But was interrupted by someone screaming.

"Wormtail! Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guest quiet?!" when he screamed I jumped a little because I wasn't expecting him to yell. Pansy laughed at me but quickly stopped when Draco gave her a dirty look. Wormtail apologizes to Voldemort and quickly leaves. The rest was pretty boring up until Voldemort starts talking about the woman that was floating.

He explained how she's a teacher at Hogwarts and teaches Muggle Studies. I looked up at her and realized who she was. He said her name was Charity Burbage as she slowly starts floating forward. She floats close to Severus and starts begging him to help her. I start to tear up a little bit as she begs him.  

She starts to cry while begging him, it's so sad. Voldemort then does something that I see a green light come from his wand and straight to her. She flops down on the table. The worst thing is that she falls in front of me. Her face facing me as she stops breathing.

I see a tear run down her face. I quickly look over at Draco and see him start to cry a little bit. He gets up and goes to the kitchen. I quickly get up and run over to him as I start to cry. Once I get to the kitchen I see him with his hands on the edge of the sink as he cries.

I walk over to him and he quickly turns around to hug me. We both cry as we hug each other until Pansy shows up. We quickly let go of each other and wipe our tears away.

"Ugh are you guys seriously crying?! Draco you're a Death Eater. You're supposed to be stronger than this! And you! Shouldn't you be at your boyfriend's house. You know, hugging him instead" she crosses her arms and gives me a death stare as she tries to be intimidating.

"And shouldn't you be busy trying to decide wether you like Blaise or Draco more instead of being here?" her face goes from serious to shocked. I don't think she was expecting a Hufflepuff to talk to her like that. But oh well! Hufflepuffs don't always let people walk all over them, we have a breaking point. Draco starts laughing as he pats me on the shoulder.

"Good one Y/n!" he immediately walks away in a better mood than before. Once he leaves I give Pansy a death stare as I go back to the table. I wish I stayed in the kitchen longer because I saw Voldemort's snake eat Burbage. I start to cry all over again so I run to my room.

I wasn't expecting that to happen at all. I start to cry even more as I hug my pillow while laying on my bed. I then hear someone knocking so I quickly wipe my tears away and walk over to my door. As I open it I see Bellatrix standing there.

"Are you okay love?" she looks into my eyes as she asks me that.

Falling for a Weasley (George Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now