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It had been almost three months since the Twins had told their husbands about being pregnant. The Twins were reading baby books, information online, eating healthy foods and taking prenatal vitamins. The brothers were working on the rooms that would become the nursery for the babies. They also looked into how to baby proof both places too. Masaki bought a car, after Asuga requested a safer mode of transportation than riding. Reminding him that after the babies were born, they'd have to get baby seats too. They all were still thinking of baby names. One thing that Asuga did, which Noriko had yet to do, was get a job that wouldn't be as risky as what they'd done in the past. Asuga was working at the local corner mart. It paid less, but gave her and Masaki peace of mind.

Although Hiroto and Masaki didn't stop Noriko from going on jobs with them, they tended to pay more attention to protecting her, which resulted in them getting injured themselves more than before. Slowly it became an issue, but she stubbornly ignored even her sister's request to stop fighting. After a job became dangerous and they got shot at, Hiroto voiced his opinion.

Noriko argued, "just because I'm pregnant, doesn't mean I have to stop working. We need the money more than ever and we get better paying jobs if we go together!" 

"What happens if you get kicked in the stomach or someone runs you off the road again and you fall hard? I thought you wanted my children! But if you're going to murder them...." Hiroto yelled at his wife.

Noriko's face went white.

"Fuck!" Hiroto couldn't even form words he was that angry with her. He slammed the door so hard that the glasses in the cupboards rattled. He left on his Harley, tires squealing loudly, burning rubber as he took off.

Masaki was surprised, but he too agreed with Hiroto. "I'll get him to calm down and come home."

It was the first true argument between them, with raised voices and Hiroto actually showing his anger toward Noriko.  She sobbed; partially due to her out of whack hormones and also from his words and wrath. Masaki and Asuga could barely comprehend what she was saying.

Asuga gave her tough love. "Serves you right if he leaves you. He's 100% right and you know it. How selfish you've become sister. Why do you think I started working at the local corner store? I don't like it, but at least it's a job where I know the babies won't be harmed. You could go back to school or even work as a cook, but going on jobs with them or on your own... well I use to think you were smarter than me and more responsible, now not so much." Asuga was laying it all out.

Noriko hiccupped. "It's too late to go back to school. But I could work as a cook. I just wanted to keep contributing to our income, like I've always done. Especially since we plan to use the Amamiya house and keep this apartment too."

"Seriously, there are other ways. And how do you expect to fit into riding leathers, when our bellies get bigger?"

"You're going to be a great mom," Noriko realized. "How will Hiroto believe me that I'll stop fighting?"

Asuga rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Let's go get you a cooking job. We could always see if Naomi will hire you at the Sannoh Hoodlum Squad's hangout, but closer to home would be better."

"Let me go get cleaned up and then let's walk around to all the local restaurants and food stalls."

Asuga sent a text to Hiroto and Masaki, explaining what they were about to do. In the text to the younger brother, Asuga added that Noriko understood she was wrong and was very sorry for making Hiroto so angry.

"I messaged our husbands as to where we'll be. Masaki said they were just going to ride for a bit and they'll be home later." Asuga relayed. "By the way, that suit is too dressy for around here. Just wear some jeans and a nice shirt, with your kicks. You never know if they hire you on the spot."

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