Dragon Riders

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Kikimora stomped out from the beast dungeon and turned back waving her fists
"Ugh, idiotic reptile ! All I did was whip it once and it nearly bit my hand off !"
"Kikimora? Where is Lilith?"
Kikimora turned and saw you
"Make sure that overgrown reptile learns some proper manners!"
"Noted, Ms Kiki."
You said as she walked away
Said Lilith startling you from behind
"Oh, hey, hey hon! Your up early. As usual."
You said
Lilith then cleared her throat, as if she was expecting something, then you smiled
"Oh, right, of course."
You then leaned in and gave her a kiss.
"That's better. So, I see your off to do your beast keeping training ?"
She said
"Yes. And I'd say I'm making progress."
You then looked to the smoke debris still coming out the dungeon door
"Well...mostly. I may or may not require your assistance, hon."
You said
"Ah, apologies but I am bringing my apprentice Amity over to the castle for training. Kinda think of it, Amity does has a particular interest in animals, so I may take her out to the field today and see you and the Wyvern in action, maybe she'll apply for beast keeping."
You then nodded in relief
"Ah. Well...that's mostly good news."
Lilith smiled
"Do be careful, please? Would be nice to have a fiancé that isn't reduced to human barbecue."
Lilith giggled
"Noted. Well, I'm gonna go get Yvette."
You said as you then entered the dungeon
"And I'm...gonna get my prodigy."
Said Lilith then turning the other way
As you entered the dungeon you met with your Wyvern whom was now full grown, and had become quite wild.
"Whoa there bud, I'm right here."
You said reassuring him as smoke came from his nostrils.


"Ms. Clawthorne? What are we doing today?"
Asked amity
"Well Amity, today we are going to try beast keeping with Y/N in the field."
Said Lilith
"Wait, Y/N? Didn't I fight him once in the convention?"
Asked Amity
"Yes. He is...my fiancé."
She said
"Your dating a human, Ms. Clawthorne?!"
Amity asked
"Yes...turns out he is quite charming for a human."
She said
"Wait, when did you start dating?"
She asked
"Well, we sort of started dating a few days after the convention, and he-"
Amity looked up in awe as they had entered the beast keeping training ground, to see a 10 ton beast flying in the sky

" She said "Wait, when did you start dating?" She asked "Well, we sort of started dating a few days after the convention, and he-" Amity looked up in awe as they had entered the beast keeping training ground, to see a 10 ton beast flying in the sky

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"A Wyvern!"
Amity exclaimed
Lilith smiled looking upwards
"But..I thought they were extinct!"
"Not quite, as it would seem. Y/N and I saved and captured one on the mountains, also known as the Titans knee. I was hesitant at first but, it would seem we are making great progress with taming this savage beast, because of this he has shown us new ways and ideas to tame beasts here in the castle, and he also has taught about new ways of blacksmithing and of the creation of weapons from the human realm. Have you heard of this thing called a 'gun' ?"
Said Lilith
"Lilith !"
You called as Yvette then flew down meeting with Lilith and Amity, whom had cowered behind Lilith's dress afraid of the large beast.
"Do not fret, Amity, I assure you it's perfectly tame."
Said Lilith as You then hopped off Yvette's saddle
"Hey hon. Wait, wasn't there someone else here just a second ago?"
You asked
Amity then peeking behind Lilith
"Oh. You. Your Amity Blight, yes? Lilith's prodigy?"
You asked
"Yeah, Uh...we met at the convention."
She said
"Oh yes, of course. You were a lot more hostile back then."
You said
"Say...Uh...is that really a Wyvern?"
Asked amity
"Oh, yes. A beauty, isn't it? Very rare here in the isles as your aware."
You said

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