Sparring match with a Blight

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You sat in bed with your legs crossed with your hands holding your head up. You let out a yawn as you looked back to the Wyvern egg nested in the corner which still hadn't hatched yet. It's been over a month since you decided it from the cold wilderness. You didn't know why but it felt like it would hatch soon. You the began admiring your body build in the mirror, you had gained a lot more muscle and could now not even see your rib cage due to finally having access to food and drinks, along with a roof over your head. The food in the boiling isles was good, granted it was a little gross and uncomfortable since some of it was actually alive or was a roasted version of some foreign insect or creature not native to earth.
You had began reflecting on your life before. Ever since that..fateful day, your life fell apart and was practically taken away because of a single accident. You never got the chance to even find a spouse or even start a family.
Speaking spouses, you had particular interested in women. Women who were intelligent confident, and especially ones that were straight-laced and generally law-abiding, which turned you on. Just like Lilith.
You then looked dumbstruck, with red cheeks as you realized you just fell in love with Lilith.
Your train of thought was interrupted by a loud knock on your door
"Gah! Yes?!"
You gasped standing up
"Y/N it's Lilith. Can you meet me in the training arena? I have something to show you."
Said Lilith through the door
'Ah. Probably time for another sparring match with Lilith'.
You thought as you then replayed every single sparring and training session with Lilith, and utterly getting your ass handed to you every single time. Knowing this you not so confidently walked out the door and met with Lilith in the arena, puzzled to see her standing there with a young teenage girl with green and brown hair. As she looked at you with a blank serious expression.
"Y/N. This is my apprentice, Amity Blight. Youngest of Alador and Odalia Blight."
You stood up straight surprised
"Alador and Odalia Blight ? As in that rich Blight family you told me about!?"
"Yes, she's being enrolled as a new student to the Emperor's coven.
"Wait, is he human Ms. Clawthorne?"
Asked Amity as she noticed the strange shape of your ears, which in this world would normally be pointy.
"Yes. She is also my second apprentice in training like you. And Amity, this Y/N the human."
"Y-yep. That's me."
You responded awkwardly, not really taking pride in your position as Lilith's apprentice, seeing how you always got your ass kicked every-time.
"Ms. Clawthorne, why is there a human in the boiling isles ?"
Asked Amity
"Ah, it's a long story. Anyway, I've brought you two here because I want you to spar."
You and Amity looked at Lilith confused
Lilith sighed
"Apologies, I mean you two will be sparring with one another."
You and Amity looked at Lilith Again
"B-but, Ms. Clawthorne he's a human ! Humans can't perform magic!"
Said Amity
"Yeah, and I'm not fighting let alone potentially hurting an actual child."
You said
"Oh come now, she's 14 ! And a very well trained prodigy for her age. And your a skilled man. For a human Anyways."
Said Lilith
"Thanks I guess?.."
You said
"Now then, shall we begin?"
Asked Lilith twirling her finger spawning both you and Amity inside the arena as she stood outside as a bystander.
Amity groaned
"Guess it wouldn't hurt to try, right?"
You asked Then staring at Amity as she did the same, getting into a fighting stance.
"Don't waste my time, human."
"Heh. Same here, witch."
You said
As you then gripped the handle of your sword preparing or the worst, Lilith then shouted
Amity then spawned an abomination to go and get you
"Knowing humans, this should be enough to defeat you."
Amity giving you a smirk that immediately faded when she saw you cut the abomination in half with your sword.
The abomination's split sides then fell over.
"What? What was that??"
Asked Amity noticing the long sharp object in your hand
"Human magic."
You chuckled
Amity then spawned more abominations around you but you merely sliced through them like butter with just your sword, she then decided to start using magic, as she then create a magic flaming replica of your sword, and the two of you dueled in a sword match.
The fight was long and hard, you having to mostly retreat when Amity used real magic, practically trying your best to get a sneak attack on her. You eventually managed to catch her off guard back kicking her back knocking her down. As you then stood there with sword in hand, Amity stumbled trying to get up exhausted.
"Y/N, what are you waiting for? Take the shot!"
Said Lilith
That single sentence ringed in your head like a bad headache as you looked wide eyed at Lilith, beginning to sweat uncontrollably, as your vision began blurry for a second, you looked back at amity, who then turned into a couple of scared and frightened civilians backed into a corner, as the scenery and everything around you then blurred into a battlefield with destroyed and collapsed building around you, with broken and cracked rubble and concrete beneath you followed by gunfire, as you were in a veteran outfit with a rifle aimed at the civilians.
"Y/N! Take the shot ! Now !!"
You stared at them, hesitatingly aiming your rifle at them as they howled and screamed and fear in the war around them, a woman covered in smoke and wore ragged clothes holding her child looked at you with pleading eyes
As your vision became blurred again, you shut your eyes tightly
"I can't.."
Lilith gasped scared for you and also confused
Amity used this to stand up and use a giant magic blast to come hurdling towards you and ram against you knocking of your feet and a few meters in the air, as you then hit then ground on your back and fell unconscious.
"Take that, human!"
Amity huffed standing up again.

Next chapter : Convention.

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