To be continued

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Our heroes make it to the Owl House, which Eda lands in front of first, panting heavily. Luz, and King dismount.
"Don't worry, Eda. I'll run and get you some elixir and--"
A hand then touched Luz' shoulder as she jumped in surprise seeing You and Lilith standing there, with Yvette already landed on the ground, as smoke blew from his nostrils.
"No, human. No amount of elixir can heal her now. Oh, sister."
She cups Eda's face
"I should have done this a long time ago..."
"Hey, Y/N your okay!?"
Asked Luz as You barely stood
"Oh, yep! Just fine!"
You fell as Luz then caught You
"Oh boy, yeah you need to get fixed up."
Lilith then puts hers and Eda's foreheads together
"With this spell declared, let the pain be shared."
Lilith and Eda glow blue and float. Their gems glow, and Eda returns back to her usual witch form. Luz shields King from the light, and they both turn when it fades to see Eda, back to normal, and Lilith land softly.
Luz said
Lilith and Eda turn their heads to reveal that one of each of their eyes has turned gray, and Lilith now has a streak of gray hair while Eda has a streak of white and her gem is still black. Eda laughs as Luz and King run and hug her, as You struggled to stand, Lilith then helped you stand.
"Easy there, Hon. you've been through enough as it is."
"Can you still do magic?"
Asked Luz
Eda traces a spell circle, which disintegrates
"That's a no. It'll take some time to get used to this."
You looked to lilith
"What about You..?"
"I feel that I've been weakened as well..."
Said Lilith
"It's okay. I can teach you what I know, and what we don't know, we can learn together."
Luz puts a light glyph in Eda's hand. Eda activates it, looking shocked that it worked. The ball of light floats into the night sky. Lilith walks closer to the others.
Eda ruffling Luz's hair
"Thanks, kid."
She pulls Luz into a hug
"I look forward to that."
"So, if your physical magic is weakened, can you not still exhibit magic from your staff, Eda?"
You asked
", yeah I guess I could just do that. If I can just FIND my staff."
Eda then swayed her staff in the air and performed a magic spell to create another extra floor room on the top of the owl house.
"Oh my ! It looks I've gained extra weight, Hoot Hoot!"
"Speaking of, you girls are still able to use your magic staffs? So your magic isn't completely gone."
You said
"Yeah. Looks like it. By the way who are you?- oh wait...."
Eda thought for a moment seeing how you and Lilith interacted with one another at the petrification stage.
Eda began circling You
"Soooo THIS is the boyfriend you told me about awhile ago, huh Lily? Didn't know you had a thing for humans."
"N-not my boyfriend, my fiancé."
Lilith blushed
"Same thing! Fiancé or whatever just sounds more fancy. Honestly though I never thought I'd see the day, nor did I know you had such good taste in men, Lily."
"W-What is that supposed to mean !?"
Lilith asked now flustered
"Oh, actually you should probably get him fixed up, otherwise your relationship will have reached the deadline. HAH! Get it? Dead line!? Because he's at the verge of dying!? Y-yeah I know that was terrible."
Lilith then carefully laid you down on the ground as she began healing you
"Hold still, this shouldn't take long."
Said Lilith
" the way, that dragon followed us here."
Said Luz
"What? Oh no, that's just my pet. Or, rather our pet. That's Yvette, our Wyvern, We found him on the Titan's knee when he was just an egg, when Y/N first became a beast keeper. He's perfectly tame."
Said Lilith
"Dude. That's pretty metal."
Said Luz
"'s perfect. The perfect minion!"
Said King
"Lily. You do realize what this mean, right?"
You asked
Said Lilith
"You are a wanted fugitive now. We are wanted fugitives. Belos as well as the entire emperors coven will be looking for you because of Our betrayal."
There was a long moment of silence, before Lilith spoke up.
"I don't care. As long as we're together, I'll follow you wherever you go."
As she finished healing You, you both stood up on your feet.
"Besides...Belos and everyone in that damn coven are tyrants like you said. And just like Edalyn said, I was a lapdog for a tyrant. While a bitter pill to swallow at first I soon learned the truth. Belos is a tyrant, A Tyrant who ruthlessly imposes his beliefs onto others, and handed out the most severe punishment to those who rebelled. And, because of that, I almost lost my love..."
Lilith squeezed your hands into her palms
"I'm so sorry, Y/N...I can't believe what I said when you left!..I...I..."
You shushed Lilith, placing both hands on her cheeks caressing them, using your thumbs to whip away her tears.
Your lips were an inch from Lilith's trembling lips and you whispered
"It's alright. I forgive you."
You then gave her a kiss, Lilith gasped, her eyelids opening all the way, her eyes dilated as she then closed her eyes tearing up more, and embraced you in the kiss, mumbling a thank you.
"Awwww! This'll make a cute ship in my new Azura fanfiction! A love Rekindled !"
Luz squealed and fangirled
Eda gagged then walking over to You
"Alright lovebirds, break it up, break it up. Let's just head back inside and get cleaned up before the Covens start sending out patrols looking for us."
Said Eda
"Uh, Eda? What are we gonna do about the massive Dragon now living in our backyard?"
Asked Luz
".....I'll whip up a shrinking spell."
Eda shrugged
A Camera focuses on the ball of light, which rises until it gets lost among the stars
"And that's how we escaped from the Emperor."
Cut to Luz's room, where she's laying on her stomach in her sleeping bag. King is asleep at her feet.
"Everyone told me he was the most powerful warlock alive."
Cut to the view of Luz's phone, where she's recording a video.
"But look at this, Mom."
She holds up the chip of Belos's mask
"I chipped off a piece of his mask! I know he's not invincible now."
her expression falls
"It's a strange feeling, having gone through so much and, not having you here to share it with. And I don't know when or how I'm gonna see you again."
She puts her phone down and looks at a picture of her and Camila, then at the ball of light hovering in front of her
"But I will find my way home to you. I promise. Deja una luz puesta para mí. Te quiero."
Luz pokes the ball of light, putting it out. Several balls of light hovering outside of her window float away when it goes dark. Cut to a staircase in the Emperor's Castle, which Belos is standing in front of and Kikimora is walking down.
"Sire, those miscreants are still at large. Please, allow me to capture them.
"Worry not, Kiki. We'll be keeping an eye on the inhabitants of the Owl House."
Belos nods to a robed figure wearing a mask that resembles an owl. They nod back before walking away
"In the meantime, the Day of Unity is almost upon us..."
Belos turns, and the camera moves to reveal a round white frame with wings attached to it, partially built. Inside the frame is the portal door, and since Luz didn't get the chance to destroy with glyphs, the portal door is still intact and usable.
"...and we have much work to do..."

Story to be continued in The Owl House Season 2 once I'm able to watch it (preferably when it premiers on Disney + since I don't have normal television/Disney channel anymore).

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