Young Blood, Old Souls (Finale)

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"So, Kikimora said to release the beast called Yvette from its cage now that its keeper is now a fugitive?"
Asked Steve
"Yes, and lucky for me, the Emperor has enlisted me as its new keeper, though I'm curious what type of beast is this one?"
Warden Wrath asked as Steve opened up the large cage door
"Oh, they say it's an endangered beast."
Steve gulped hesitant on opening the cage all the way, and hasn't been fed in awhile since You and Lilith parted.
Wrath looked into the Rancor sized cage which was completely dark, all he could see was black but could hear the crocodile-like bellowing from a large animal standing in the dark
"Ha ha, now then, "Yvette", I am your new master, and you will-"
A large reptilian scaly hand the size of a small school bus reached out and snatched Steve and several other Coven guards, and pulled them into the dark and nothing but blood curdling screams and bone crushing crunches could be heard, while fire flickered in the shadows, revealing a long head and jaws twice the size of a T.Rex head, as it breathed the fire to cook the bodies it had eaten
Wrath was taken off guard as he then took off his mask and his arms morphed into scythes
"Idiotic reptile!"
Wrath yelled as he was then blasted by a large asteroid sized ball of fire and a roar that would make the largest theropod dinosaurs tremble.

an Emperor's Coven guard starts drumming a beat. Zoom out to reveal several drumming guards in two lines in front of a large crowd
"I don't see Luz anywhere"
Said Willow
"Do you thinks she got caught?"
Asked Gus
An alarm sounds, and the cage with Beast Eda in it rises onto a towering platform in front of the crowd
"Well folks, Eda the Owl Lady has appeared on stage, which means the petrification process is about to begin."
Perry Porter announced
Kikimora finishes rising with the cage. She walks forward and pushes a lever, making the three headed statue rise from the ground. Beast Eda visibly looks nervous as the machine crackles to power. Meanwhile inside of the Conformatorium, where You, Lilith, Luz, and King are passing by towering statues covered in what appear to be meaty tendrils. They stop in front of a small platform.

"Okay. Now what?"
You asked
"You can take this up to the stage where they're holding Edalyn."
Said Lilith
You looked up and nodded
"Thank you, Lilith. What will you do know?"
Asked Luz
Lilith thought for a moment, before making up her mind.
"After we save my sister, I'm leaving the Emperor's coven, with Y/N, and I will make sure nothing like this ever happens again."
Lilith then clenched your hand for support
"...Thank You, Lily."
You smiled
"That's good to hear."
Luz then looks around
"Wait, why are there no guards around?"
Suddenly A red tendril wraps itself around Lilith's legs, pulling her down.
Lilith screams desperately holding onto your hands
Unfortunately the tendrils were too strong despite the fact you had a power glyph on, and she was dragged away into darkness.
King screams as he also gets taken by a tendril, leaving only You and Luz.
Lilith and King are dragged up near the ceiling before being suspended on either side of the far wall. Fires ignite below them, flanking a skull-like throne that Belos is sitting in, his staff in hand.
"Ah, Lilith. You chose the wrong side."
Lilith and King are pulled upwards. Luz stares in horror and tries to walk forward, but two arms grab her legs.
"Ah puh-puh. I'd actually like to have a word with you two, humans."
You glare at Belos
"What's your game?"
While this is happening Lilith and King are being forced into Eda's cage by two Emperor's Coven members. They both land, kneeling, as the bars close behind them.
Lilith looks up
"H-Hello, Edalyn."
Eda glares for several seconds
She begins pacing
"You hurt Luz. You cursed me. Before anything turns me to stone, I'll tear you apart."
Eda raises her claw

King jumps between Eda and Lilith
"No, don't! She was trying to help. She even betrayed the Emperor for you!"
"If I knew something like this would happen, Edalyn, I--"
Lilith tries to cup Eda's face, but the activation of the petrification machine earns both of their attentions. The machine's eyes begin to glow, first yellow, then green. Now to the crowd.
Willow & Gus gasp
"We gotta do something."
Said Willow
"And in a shocking turn of events, head Coven leader Lilith is now in the holding cage. Escorted by what appears to be a deranged cat."
Perry Porter announced
Gus pulls on his sleeve
"Augustus? I'm live!"
"Dad, you have to stop!"
Willow grabs Perry's microphone
"Yeah. What's happening to Eda isn't right. She might not always follow the rules, but she hasn't done anything worthy of a petrification!"
The Eye-Eating Prisoner then spoke up
"She helped me escape jail."
"She helps me stay in business!"
Said Morton
"She helped me love teaching again... after she left."
Said Principle Bump
"The Emperor should let Eda go!"
Said Willow
"Let Eda go!"
Said Gus starting a chant amongst the crowd
"Let Eda go! Let Eda go! Let Eda go! Let Eda go!"
While this is happening, down in the chamber with You, Luz and Belos where You and Belos are having a Western Movie standoff.
"Let my friends go, or else!"
Said Luz
Owlbert hooted
Luz slams the butt of Eda's staff into the floor, rocketing out of the grip of the hands holding her down. She lands with a flip and slams the staff down, summoning a row of ice spikes that stops inches away from Belos's mask.
He melts from the throne, reappearing behind Luz, appearing to be more liquid than solid mass
"I'll play."
Belos lifts a finger and flicks it, sending Luz into the base of a towering statue. A crack travels up the statue, until it frees the giant two-headed axe, which Luz just barely dodges.
You then yelled hurdling a kidney punch to Belos distracted, as you successfully hit him and hurt in the process, he was launched back by the impact into a wall destroying one of his many portraits and construction work of the castle, bricks and stones falling and crumbling down.
"Whoa-ho-ho-ho! Good thing King's not here, otherwise he'd start demanding you give him one of those power glyphs!"
Luz looked on in surprise
Belos instantly made all the rubble and destroyed portraits all float up in a red Aura
"Let's dance, Y/N."
Belos then instantly hurdled all the rubble at your direction, which you immediately got out your dragon staff and pointed it at the rubble which disentigraded in a blue hot fire blast spell
Liz then attempted to attack Belos too but he then send a few attacks her way while occupied with You. Luz sends a fireblast at spikes of earth. She freezes a giant red hand in a block of ice. She mounts the staff to avoid more earth spikes. She pulls the staff around and aims for Belos, fire glyphs in hand.
Belos stands immobile as the intro monster appears around him.
Luz screams As The intro monster swallows Luz. It explodes a second later, and Luz lands on the ground on her feet.
The screen pulsed with his words
"What's wrong, human? I thought you wanted to figh-"
Belos stopped talking as he was gut punched again by You, only this time he caught your fist in his.
"Damn You."
He grunted in frustration, then with a swipe of his staff sent you flying backwards, as you then launched a flame attack at Belos with your staff as did he, reenacting a Ki blast struggling scene from Dragon Ball Z.
You and Belos then snagged in a spectacular fight between what was essentially a death battle between two Warlocks, the blast between you two becomes so immense that to everyone's surprise even yours it explodes and blows a hole in the ceiling of the chamber, and through the petrification room scaring everyone including Eda, King, and Lilith who all looked in shock, as two glowing lights flew out from the whole and started clashing and darting to one another in an impressive red and green light show in the sky, as the two most powerful warlocks in the boiling isles took their fight to the heavens, everyone watching in awe.
"What. The. Titan."
Said King
Lilith gasped and shouted grabbing the bars of the cage
With the help of your magic staff, you created a magic glider at attached to your feet to make you levitate in the air with Belos as you waved your staff out exhibiting a massive green wave of fire at Belos' direction as did he but with a red and bigger version.
"I-I can't believe my eyes folks!"
Perry Porter said on the news
"It appears that now that we've gotten a better few, the former apprentice of Madam Clawthorne now fugitive of the boiling isles; Y/N, is in a Warlock duel with the Emperor himself !"
Luz finally climbed up to the petrification stage, looking on in awe, as she then turned her attention to Eda currently in the process of being petrified with Lilith and King trapped with her.
Luz ran to help her mentor and friends as Your body was then flung downwards blocking Luz's way and hitting the ground making a crater in between them.
Lilith yelled out in fear
"No, Y/N!!"
"I believe that's enough. This charade ends here, humans."
Belos announced aloud as he descended from the sky and then disappears. Luz gasped as The shadow of Belos passes, and Luz turns to face it. More arms grab her legs and arms, pulling her back down to the ground.
"Huh? Ah!"
Belos appearing from the shadows
"Had enough?"
Luz smirks
"Not even close."
She moves her hand to reveal an ice glyph, The ice pillar hits Belos's mask, chipping a piece off. Luz looks at the shard before looking back up at Belos. Belos merely chuckles
"I like your spirit."
He turns around to reveal a glowing blue eye shining out of the broken half of his mask
"But try that again and things won't end well for you. Now I'm just a humble messenger for the Titan. In the grand scheme of things, the Owl Lady's life is inconsequential."
He steps directly in front of Luz
"But then you two showed up. If you want to save your mentor, give me the portal to the human realm."
" home."
Luz looks up. All the while the petrification machine, which is completely powered on continues to torment Eda. A bolt of green energy directs itself to the cage. King, and Lilith scream As Eda dives in front of Lilith and King, taking the full brunt of the blast of magic for them.
Eda screams, now more beast than Eda.
Cut back to Belos and Luz while You struggled to stand, and started shouting to Luz in desperation.
"No, Luz! That's the fate of humankind as we know it! Hell, the entire Planet! It's doomsday, no, it'll be Weirageddon as the prophecies foretold !"
Belos then shot a blast from his staff your way fatally injuring You, as you wailed in pain, as Lilith screamed in horror helplessly reaching out for her love. Meanwhile, in the dungeon as Yvette snacked on a fried Warden Wrath, his ears perked up and his blood stained nostrils sniffed the air, sensing his master in distress, and roared out spreading his wings and bursting out from the beast keeping dungeon while freeing other beasts in the process in the castle.
"You probably think we want to invade the human realm as Y/N put it, but the Titan's will is not so boarish. You'll understand soon. Tick tock, human. The Owl Lady doesn't have much time left."
Eda distantly screeches, while Lilith falls to her knees whimpering completely now fearing you were gone for good, felt helpless to save her sister or her possibly now dead lover.
Luz reaches for the ceiling, for Eda
She grabs the clasp of her cloak as a tear runs down her cheek.
She reaches under her cloak and activates the portal door, keeping the key out of sight of Belos. She hugs the door to her chest
"Lo siento, mamá."
She grabs Eda's staff and stands, reluctantly walking towards Belos and holding out the door
"Here, it's yours."
You said weakly, reaching your hand out before falling unconscious.
"The Titan will be pleased."
Belos takes the door. Luz's hand lingers on it, not dropping until a few seconds after it's completely out of her grasp. She finally steps back, pulling the hood of the cloak up.
"Go on then."
He taps his staff against the ground, moving aside. "Go be a hero."
Liz reluctantly ran passed him while Eda, whose legs begin turning to stone. Luz then got in between the cage and the petrification machine. Luz grabs a plant glyph and throws it to the base of the machine. Vines burst out of the glyph and rock the machine to the side, stopping it.
Eda screeches and falls to the ground, nearly completely stone.
"Wh-- what do we do?!"
Asked King
"The spell wasn't completed! Maybe I can help her fight it!"
Lilith puts her hands on Eda's wing
"No! What is happening?"
Luz activates a fire glyph as she walks behind Kikimora
"Free them, now!"
Kikimora shrinks in on herself and traces a spell circle. The cage disappears, and Luz runs to Eda
"Eda! Are you okay?"
The stone recedes from Eda's body. Her eyes open
"As good as I'll ever be."
Lilith immediately ran to You still on the ground
"Y/N! Y/N talk to me! At least say or do something to let me know your okay!"
Lilith screamed holding your head and shacking your body.
You then gasped for breath as Lilith held you in her arms received
you looked up
Lilith then cupped your cheeks and shouted
"Your an idiot !"
You were clenched tightly into Lilith's against her chest
"MY idiot."
She whimpered, while Luz geeked out fangirling over you two
"I ship you two so hard right now!"
As your staff glowed, a loud below could be heard across the entire petrification room, as the crowd, Eda, Luz, King, Lilith, You, and even Belos looked puzzled, as a rumble began to stir just beneath the petrifaction stadium, as a mighty 12 ton Wyvern busted up through the place spreading its wings out and roaring. It was Yvette.
A random person in the crowd yelled as everyone screamed
Gus and Willow looked up in awe
Belos looked up in surprise
Lilith asked looking up at the massive behemoth of a reptile who she and You raised from birth, now grown up into a mighty Lizard King, and showed up just in the nick of time.
"What? Is that..."
King looked up in shock
"A Dragon!?!?"
Luz shouted in amazement
Yvette then lowered his head sniffing the air spotting You and Lilith, his masters, as smelling the blood and injuries dealt, and scented Belos' scent all over You, and turned to Belos and growled.
"Oh, Shit."
Yvette then belched a 10 ton fire ball at Belos' who barely dodged it, while in the process it caused a massive exposition on the petrification stage while millions panicked.
"Yvette! Down here! Come to me!"
Lilith shouted trying to get his attention while Eda gulped knowing full well what the massive reptile was and she was scared shitless of it.
"Well, I think that's our cue to get outta here."
Emperor's Coven guards, holding spears, close in on them. Luz prepares herself for a fight, but Eda flings her and King onto her back.
"Let's fly!"
"W-wait! What about-?"
Luz stuttered as Eda takes off. The Coven guards take aim with their spears, but none hit them. The crowd cheers as Eda flies away.
Yvette spots Lilith waving to him, as he lowers his head to her, Lilith stands up holding you in her arms and she climbs onto him
"Now, Yvette, up! Take us out of here! Follow Edalyn!"
Said Lilith as Yvette flapped his wings causing a huge impact of wind to blow across the crowd knocking quote a few people off there feet as he then flew away with You and Lilith behind Eda, Luz, and King while Kikimora started glaring after them amongst all the fire and smoke and damage done to the place, until Emperor Belos walks out, his mask still broken.
"My liege."
Said Kikimora as Belos walks to the edge of the roof, to the crowd who started to calm down after awhile.
"Children of the Isles ! The Titan has told me to spare the Owl Lady's life, but in return, her curse will strip away all her powers. Let her monstrous form be a lesson about the dangers of wild magic."

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