Becoming a Clawthorne

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You were taken by surprise
"What? Leave? Why?"
Lilith placed a kiss on Dana's forehead
"Not just For us, but for her. I am a mother now, and that means I have a big job to do. If we are to see our daughter to adulthood, I want her to be happy and free. I want to see her learn her first magic spell, use her first staff, go to school, and free from Belos!"
Lilith held Dana tighter and started to whimper
"I'll die before Belos or the coven do anything to harm her."
You nodded and got in bed with her and held her and Dana
"Yeah. I know what you mean, and I agree full heartedly. But where would we go?"
Lilith thought it over, brainstorming ideas of where they would go in the entire demon realm where Belos would not think to find them, somewhere practically off the grid from the isles. Lilith gasped
"Yes, the Titan's knee"
You looked at her in confusion
"Uh, pardon?"
"In human terms, The mountains."
Gwendolyn interrupted, closing the door behind her
Said Lilith
"I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but overhear the conversation concerning Dana. It would be best that you and your husband leave."
Gwendolyn walked over to Lilith's bed and caressed Dana's cheek
"It would be good for my little grand-Witchlet, and for the two of you. It probably wouldn't be best staying in town after everything that's happened with the Emperor, and I don't think bunking in with Edalyn would be a good idea either, if all of you crammed into one hideout and left for food everyday you'd eventually draw attention to your whereabouts. On a side note, the reason I came back was because I overheard one of the doctors chattering about you, Sweet Flea. They know your identity now and your involvement with the Emperor's Coven."
Gwendolyn then looked at you
"Needless to say, my dear, the Emperor really has it out for you and my daughters, especially you in particular. He wants your head."
You looked away and at your staff
"Yeah. After the big battle we had, I understand why."
Gwendolyn then hugged Lilith and her granddaughter tightly
"I can help you get out of town and to the knee."
Lilith buried her head in Gwendolyn's chest as she kissed her forehead
"I love you, sweet flea."
"I don't deserve your love...."
Lilith whimpered
Gwendolyn looked over at you again
"Please, take care of my sweet flea and granddaughter."
"I will, ma'am."
You nodded
"You may be human, but to me, to this family, you are a true Clawthorne."


4 weeks later

You got up for the morning and put on your nice comfy fur robe and slipped your feet into your pickle Rick slippers, and then walked into the kitchen for the closest thing to earth coffee that there was in this realm. Courtesy of your wife's magic potions.
As the coffee brewed You stared out the window, which offered a very nice view of the Titan's skeleton.

the weather was cold, snowing even

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the weather was cold, snowing even. But you didn't mind, your place was a cozy little cabin structure designed and conjured up by Lilith herself with her staff, and so far completely unnoticed by Belos.
Just then your Wyvern, Yvette, crawled by holding the carcass of a dead native creature to the knee, to which he laid it down and cooked with his own fire breath. Good thing you never got any mail from mailmen up here, you'd hate to imagine what he'd to them.
Once the coffee was finished breading you took your cup out from the brewer and added a boiling isles creamer flavor then stirred it around with a spoon.
You went into Dana's room to check up on her, You leaned down inside her crib and gave Dana a kiss on her cheek, while she was fast asleep and cradled in her blanket.
"Sweet dreams, little raven."
You then wondered where that wife of yours was, already out of bed before you.
Coincidentally as you walked by the door to the library you heard muffled humming behind it.
Of course, ever since you built that library she had been burying her nose in those books ever since, it was also her room for working on magic spells, potions, and compiling them into spell books written by her. No doubt she has been hard at work with trying to fix the curse she now shares with Eda.

The Raven's Mate 🪶| Lilith Clawthorne x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now