Chapter 1

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June 28th, 2019, Connie's Home, Portland Maine

June 28th, 2019, Connie's Home, Portland Maine

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Connie thought back to that day. 2 weeks ago to be exact. Now she is sitting in the living room waiting for the social worker to come. Yes, a social worker. Alyssa left a letter in her will explaining how she thinks it will be best for Kamry to go live with her dad. I was shocked. Alyssa hasn't talked about Kamry's father in years, but I know that he always has a special place in her heart. That's what she always told me. Maybe this will be a good thing for Kamry. To have another parent in her life. Kamry is sitting at the window seal. She knows about her dad. Her mom has shared stories, She always said that he is a lovely man. Alyssa also told Kamry about her godmother Leslie Shay. She said that she, Kelly, and Leslie were all best friends since high school, but when Alyssa and Kelly broke up due to busy schedules and long-distance relationships everyone went their separate ways. Kelly and Shay both moved to Chicago. A couple of years later after the breakup, Alyssa got pregnant with Kamry and raised her. When Kamry turned 7, Alyssa was diagnosed with breast cancer. In and out of the hospital. It was tough for Alyssa, but she was trying to stay strong for her daughter. But when Kamry turned 8 years old, Alyssa's body couldn't take it anymore. Aunt Connie sat down with Kamry and told her what was going on with her mom. She told her that she is going to go be with God and he will protect her up in heaven. Kamry understood but she didn't want to lose her mom. Where would she go? Who's going to take care of her? Kiss her goodnight? She can go live with her Aunt Connie but it's not going to be the same.

Connie's pov

I sat on the couch looking at Kamry. I feel so much heartbreak for the poor girl. Escaping from my thoughts I hear the doorbell. That must be the social worker I thought to myself. I stand up and go and answer the door. Just like I thought the social worker is at the door. "Hello, I'm Anna Jacobs" she greets. Hi, Connie Evans come on in. I say back. "Thank you", she greets. Once Anna is inside I guide her to sit on the couch. I sit on the one next to her. Anna looks over and says hi to Kamry. Kamry says hi back. Silent but polite. Anna smiles. She turns back to Connie and says, "First off I want to start off by saying that I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you and your family are going through. How is she? She says. Talking about Kamry.

No one's pov

"She's doing ok for the most part. I mean for someone who lost someone at such a young age I think she is taking it well, but I also think she is bottling up her feelings and then one day she is just going to break. Anna and Connie talked some more about Kamry and how they know that she is a strong little girl and she will get through this. Then they started to talk about Alyssa's letter that she left in her will.

"So as you know Alyssa left a letter in her will explaining what she wants to happen to Kamry when if anything happens to her. Connie nods. And because you were Alyssa's guardian throughout her life, you have the option to read the letter if you want to. Anna pulls out the letter and hands it to Connie. Connie looks at the envelope for a couple of seconds.

She goes to hand the letter back to Anna. "I trust Alyssa, I know that she thinks it's best for Kamry to go live with her father. Anna smiles and nods in understanding and takes the envelope back and puts it away in her suitcase. "Even though Kelly hasn't been in Kamry's life it's not his fault and it's not Alyssa's either. I know that she was making the best decision for Kamry.

Anna and Connie talked about Anna's will and the living situation for a while and then it came to the tough part.

"If it comes to the point where Kelly doesn't want to take Kamry then she is most likely going to be turned over to children's services and placed into foster care, but, Anna says when she sees the sad look on Connie's face, the court can come to an agreement to have Kamry come stay with you.

"I hope Kelly will want for Kamry to go and live with him, and I think he would. He loved Alyssa. And Shay is her godmother and I know that Shay and Kelly would love to have the opportunity to see her grow up.

Anna and Connie talked more about Alyssa, Kelly, and Shay and it was time for Anna to head out. Throughout the whole meeting, Kamry just stayed at the window seal and looked out the window while also looking at pictures of her mother.

"Once I talk with Kelly and Shay, I will get in contact with you, to let you know the decision her father made and we will go from there. It was nice meeting you". Anna and Connie said their goodbyes and Anna walked over to Kamry.

"I'm going to get going now, I know that you are going through a lot right now, but I have a strong feeling that everything is going to be okay. Kamry nodded and they both said bye to each other and Anna left.

Connie went to go sit next to Kamry, "Aunt Connie"? Kamry asks. "Yes, sweetie" Do you think my dad will want me to go live with him".

"Your father loved your mom, and I am pretty positive he is going to love you too. "He might be a little scared at first, but he is going to get through this. Both of you will. And you heard the stories of Kelly and Shay, there were best friends with your mom for years. If your mom trusts your dad and Shay as your guardians, I trust them to and you should too."

"I know I'm just scared and sad. I don't want to leave Maine. My mom's grave is here, my friends are here, I'm scared to meet my dad. "I'm going to have to go to a new school." Kamry was rambling on a mile and a minute.

"Kamri, it's going to be ok. It's going to take some time to get used to living with your dad, you are going to get to know your dad one day at a time, and I'm pretty sure you're going to love your new school and meet new friends. You have your friend's numbers and you can call them whenever you want."

"Ok, you promise I can call you whenever I want. 'I promise" Connie says. Kamry smiles and hugs Connie.

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