Chapter 7

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About 2 hours later Kamry woke up from her nap and was now upstairs playing in her room. Kelly hopes that the talk he had with her calmed her nerves down a little. She has only been with him for a couple of days and it seems like he has already screwed up, even though what happened wasn't his fault.

Kelly was in the kitchen making a late lunch for Kamry. A sandwich with pepperoni, turkey, and lettuce with a side of chips. He was thinking about the confused looks the firehouse crew gave him when they saw him with Kamry. Also the questioning look they gave Shay when she waved at Kamry. They will find out what that was all about soon.

Kelly, Shay, and Kamry were sitting at the table eating dinner. Spaghetti, garlic bread, and a side of salad. Kamry was feeling a lot better and Kelly was happy about that. He told Shay about Kamry's breakdown and she felt bad for the girl. He told Shay that he feels like a terrible father that she had to witness that. Shay told him to not think like that. She told him that Kamry got to see how brave he was running into that fire.

Kamry's pov

I'm sitting at the table eating dinner with my dad and Shay. I'm feeling better after seeing that fire earlier today. I'm glad that everyone was okay and no one was stuck in the building. My dad was so brave by helping those people. He didn't even have his firefighter uniform on and he still went near the fire. I saw the firefighters that he worked with. When me and my dad were walking towards the car and I said "hi" to Shay, I saw the weird looks that everyone was giving us. I hope they don't look at me like that when I see them tomorrow.

"What time are we going to leave to go to the firehouse tomorrow," I asked. Twirling some spaghetti on my fork.

"We will leave sometime in the afternoon, probably about 1:00," my dad says. I nodded my head.

"Do you guys think they will like me?" My dad and Shay look up at me.

"Yeah of course they will like you, why wouldn't they?" Shay says getting up to put our plates in the sink.

"I saw the weird looks that they gave us when we were at the park. They just kept staring at us." I tell them.

"They are just confused about what's going on. Before I came to come and meet you, I didn't tell them where I was going. The only people that know about you are Shay and our boss. Don't worry, once they get to know you and the situation everything's going to be alright, okay?" My dad tells me. I nod my head and go upstairs to put on my pajamas and play a little before I go to bed.

Kelly's pov

It was around 10:30 pm. I don't have a bedtime schedule for her yet. It's the summertime so it's not like she has to get up for school, but when I go back to work she is going to have to wake up to go to someone's house so they can watch her, or I can maybe find a babysitter to come here. Shay's already in bed and I go upstairs to find Kamry already in her pajamas and playing with some legos. She turns around and smiles at me and turns back around.

"Hey you ready for bed, kind of got a big day tomorrow," I tell her. She puts the legos away and stands up and gets in her bed. I walk over to her bed and sit at the bottom of it.

"Can I call my Aunt Connie tomorrow? I wanna see how's she doing." She asks me getting comfortable.

"Yeah of course you can call her, anytime you want." I'll give her a text and see when she has time." I tell her. I tuck her in and I was going to give her a kiss on the head goodnight, cause you know that's what parents do, but I didn't know how comfortable she would be with that.

"Goodnight, sleep, well," I tell her. "Goodnight," she says back. I get up, shut the light off, and close her door. I head to my room and relax for the rest of the night.

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