Chapter 9

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Here's another chapter!! Disclaimer I really don't know anything about being a psychologist or Cheerleading, so sorry if those parts are short. 

The crew just returned back from a call. Kelly sent Cindy a text to see how Kamry is doing. Cindy replied back that she was doing fine and that the three girls were playing in Anabelle's room. When Kelly dropped Kamry off at Cindy and Herrman's house earlier today Kamry reacted just fine. Kelly thought that she would be upset about him leaving, but she handled it well. Kelly was happy about that.

"Hey did Cindy say how Kamry was doing?" Shay asks Kelly, coming to sit next to him at the long table in the kitchen.

Kelly looked at Shay. "Yeah, she said that she is doing fine and she is playing with Violet and Anabelle. Shay nods her head.

"How are you doing, being away from her for this long," Shay asks. Knowing Kelly if he could go over to Cindy's house right now he would.

"I'm doing all right. I just can't stop worrying about her, but I know she is fine, I trust Cindy." Kelly tells Shay.

"You should save your worries for when she goes back to school. Five days a week for a whole day." Shay says. Laughing when she sees Kelly's face.

"She's going to do fine. She will have Annabelle and Violet and she is a sweet girl. I'm sure she won't have a hard time finding friends." Shay tells Kelly. Kelly smiles knowing she is right.

The firehouse crew ate some lunch and relaxed before they get called out to call. Back at Cindy's house, the three girls were in Annabelle's room playing with barbie dolls. Kamry didn't grow up having a lot of siblings. It was always just her. Sometimes she would play with her cousins, but she didn't see them very much because most of them lived in different states. Anabelle had 4 brothers. Kamry couldn't imagine having all those boys around.

"Do you like being the only girl in your family?" Kamry asks Annabelle. Annabelle looks at Kamry and smiles.

"Sometimes I like it. My brothers can be really annoying sometimes, but a good thing about being the youngest and being the only girl in that I get a lot of attention." Kamry and Violet laugh. Kamry wonders if she will ever get a sibling one day. Another thing that was on Kamry's mind was when she was at the park back in Maine with her Aunt Connie and her dad, Kelly showed her a picture of Matt, Gabby, and Violet. He said that Violet is Matt's niece. Kamry wonders why Violet lives with her uncle and not with her parents. Did something happen to them? Kamry wants to ask Violet, but she doesn't want to hurt her feelings if something did happen to them.

At the firehouse, Kelly was doing some paperwork in his office. Matt and Gabby came and knocked on his office door and Kelly told them to come on in. He set his pen down and turned his chair around so he was facing the both of them.

"Gabby and I wanted to see if you need help with anything. I know what it's like to be a new parent to a child with Violet when she came to live with me last year. It can be tough. Especially as a single dad." Matt tells Kelly.

"Yeah it is kind of tough, but Shay has been really helpful. I think Kamry see sees her as a mother figure. Thanks for asking though. I will let you guys know." Kelly tells them.

"Are you going to put her in therapy? It helped Violet a lot." Gabby tells him.

"Yeah, she has an appointment with Dr. Charles next week. I think it'll be better for her to talk with a child psychologist, but I would like to get his opinion first." Matt and Gabby agree with that idea.

Kelly was off shift and he and Shay were on their way to Cindy's house. Matt and Gabby were in their car behind them. They knock on the door and Cindy lets them in. The kids were sitting on the couch watching a movie, not even paying attention to the four adults that just walked into the kitchen.

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