Chapter 15

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When they arrived at Shay and Clarice's house, Shay and Clarice let them get settled into the guest bedroom. When Kelly talked with the intelligence team they told him to come by the district tomorrow so they can ask him some more questions about the bomb that was sent to his apartment. Kelly was trying to put on a brave face for Kamry because, to be honest, he was terrified. He was trying to think if he knew of anybody that would want to hurt or threaten him in any sort of way, but he just couldn't.

"Dad, why did someone send you a bomb. Were they trying to hurt us," Kamry asks? Kelly didn't want to let Kamry know what's going on. He knows that she is already scared he doesn't want to scare her more.

Kelly scratches his head, "umm I don't know sweetie, but listen I don't want you to worry about it okay. The police are working hard to find out who wanted to hurt us, and when they do that will make sure that he won't be able to hurt us or anyone again, okay," Kelly says. Kamry nods her head. She knows that her dad will protect her.

"Alright let's get you to bed," Kelly tells her. He tucks her in and gives her a kiss on the head. He turns the bedroom light off and heads into the living room where Shay and Clarice are seated.

"Kelly, do you think someone is out to get you?" Shay asks him softly.

Kelly looks at Shay, "I don't know. No one has threatened me and I haven't had any altercations with anyone. This whole thing is just weird and out of the ordinary." Kelly says.

"Yeah, it really is, listen you, and Kamry can stay here as long as you want and need to, okay," Clarice tells him.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that," Kelly says with a smile. The three of them talked for a while and hung around. They all have work in the morning so they headed to bed. Kelly wants Kamry to stay by his side at all times, at least until the police figure out who sent that bomb. He didn't feel safe leaving her with a babysitter, so she is going to come into shift with him tomorrow, and he thinks Boden will be fine with that given the situation.

Kelly walks into the bedroom and sees that Kamry is still awake. He climbs into bed and Kamry sits up and faces him.

"Dad, I'm scared. I can't sleep. Would if someone sends another bomb or comes into the house." Kamry says worriedly.

"I know you're scared, but I'm going to keep you safe. Listen to me, I need you to stay by my side at all times if we are out in public okay. No running off or talking to any strangers, got it?" Kelly tells her.

"Okay, where am I going to go tomorrow while you're at work? I can't go back to school yet." Kamry asks.

"You're going to come with me to the firehouse tomorrow. I'm going to stop by the apartment early in the morning tomorrow to grab you some things to work on so you can keep yourself busy. Now come on...let's go to sleep." Kelly says. Kamry covers herself up and cuddles into her dad. Kelly turns off the bedside lamp and hugs his daughter close to him.

The next morning while Kamry ate breakfast Kelly went over to the apartment to grab some things for Kamry to work on at the firehouse. When he opened the apartment door he saw a folded piece of paper on the ground in front of the door. Kelly bent down, picked the note up, and unfolded it. The words were written in ink and it read, "You got lucky this time Kelly, you might not be so lucky next time." Kelly had no idea what's going on. He folded the paper back up and put it back in his pocket. He took out his phone and called Boden to let him know that there was another threat sent to him and that he was going to go by the police station first before headed to shift. Kelly looked around the apartment to make sure nothing was stolen or damaged, but everything looked in place.

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