Chapter 5

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Thank you guys so much for over 100 reads!! I really appreciate it!!!

Kelly and Anna walk into a room that has toys, colorful pictures on the wall, and small tables. Kelly looks around and wonders what kind of situations went down in this room. How many kids were separated by their parents? Kelly spots Connie sitting on a brown catch. In front of her is a long table where he sees Kamry at the end of the table. Looks like she's drawing a picture. Kelly goes to sit down next to Connie on the couch. He noticed that Kamry eyed him a little, but didn't fully look at him.

"Hey, Kamry," Kelly says smiling. Kamry looks up at him shyly. "Hello." She says. She goes to look back down at her picture. Kelly turns and smiles at Connie.

"What you drawing there," Kelly asks her. Kamry passes the paper over to Kelly.

"It's a picture of me and a dog playing at the park. You can keep it if you want." Kamry says.

"Thank you, Kelly says. Is a dog your favorite animal?" He asks her. Kamry nods her head.

She goes to sit next to her Aunt Connie. Connie puts her arm around her. "Did Shay come here with you?" Kamry asks Kelly.

"Uhh no she stayed back in Chicago, but she can't wait to meet you," Kelly tells her.

Kamry nods her head. She wants to ask him more questions, but she doesn't know what to ask.

They chatted for a while and then their time was up. Kamry gathered up her things and turned to look at Kelly.

"It was nice meeting you," Kamry says. "Yeah, you too. You have a nice rest of your day, I'll see you later." Kelly says. Kamry nods her head and walks out the door. Kelly lets out a breath that's he been holding in. That went better than he expected.

Back at the hotel, Kelly is on the phone with Shay telling her about how it went meeting Kamry.

"She's beautiful, she didn't really say much, which I understand, this is all new to her. He tells Shay. She also asked about you."

"She did, Shay asks smiling on the other end. "I can't wait to meet her."

Kelly and Shay talked about what they were going to do with Kamry's room. They were thinking about painting the walls a shade of pink and hanging some decor on the walls. Kelly didn't know what her room looked like back at her mom's house, but the color pink should be fine.

The next day Kelly got to see Kamry again. He met up with her and Connie at a park. Connie and Kelly sat on the bench chatting while they watched Kamry play with the other kids.

"She talked about you after the meeting yesterday. She said that she liked you and you were really nice." Connie told Kelly.

"Really, I'm glad to hear that," Kelly said to Connie. He was glad that Kamry wasn't afraid of him or anything like that.

Kamry came running over and sat between them. She looked up at Kelly.

"You're a firefighter right?" she asked him. "Yeah, that's right," Kelly responds.

"Do any of the people you work with have any kids?" She asks him. Hoping she will have someone to play with.

"Yeah, Herrmann has 5 kids 4 boys and one girl. She's about your age. My friend Matt has a niece that lives with him and his wife Gabby and her name is Violet and she is the same age as you.

"Do you think I will be able to meet them?" She asks him. "Of course, you can meet them when you're ready." He tells her She nods her head. "Does Shay have any kids"? She asks.

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