Chapter 10

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Kamry has been living with her dad and Shay for about a month and a half now. They both have gotten more comfortable with each other and both are getting better at communicating with one another. Kamry's appointments with the child psychologist, Dr. Brookes have been going well also. Shay has been in and out of the apartment trying to help Clarice with her pregnancy after she and her husband divorced. Gabby wasn't so happy that Shay is talking to Clarice after she had broken Shay's heart a couple of years ago. Shay told Gabby that she sees a difference in Clarice and she is in a vulnerable stage right now and needs her help. Now it was August and it was time for school to start back up. Kamry was excited but at the same time nervous. This is going to be another new change that she is going to have to get used to. Kamry and Kelly pulled up to an outlet that had many stores. They got out and Kamry took Kelly's hand. Kelly has gotten used to this by now, but it still warms his heart.

"So what do you want to look at first, book bags? Clothes? Shoes?" Kelly asks her.

Kamry starts to slow her pace. She looks up at her dad. "Can we just go home? I don't want to go school shopping." Kamry tells him.

"Come on I thought you were happy to go shopping. Look I know that you're nervous, it can be hard to start a new school. You are going to have a lot of fun in the third grade. People who have been at that school since kindergarten are probably still nervous. You won't be the only one, okay." Kelly says.

Kamry takes a breath, "Okay, I guess we can go and look at the clothes first." Kamry says.

The first store they went to was justice. Alyssa hated that store. It was too expensive, especially for kid's clothes. On the other hand, Kamry loved that store, so Alyssa always let her pick out a couple of outfits. Kamry looked around the store picking out shirts and pants. Kamry loved anything colorful and bright. Kelly doesn't know how to shop for a girl, so he just let her pick out whatever she wanted. Of course, anything that was appropriate for school. Kamry went over to the bookbags and lunch bags and there were so many options to pick from. She decided on an ombre book bag with polka dots with the initial "K" on it with the matching lunch box. Kelly paid and they went down to a shoe store and Kamry got her feet measured. She decided on some pink vans and a pair of Nike tennis shoes. She didn't see anything else that she liked, so Kelly told her that they can always look at different stores. They were all done shopping for the clothes and shoes, and they were going to head to Target to shop for school supplies, but first, they went and grabbed some lunch. They made their way inside Subway that was in the outlet. They got their food and took a seat at the table.

"Did your mom or dad write you back yet?" Kamry asked him. Kelly wrote separate letters to his parents about a week ago telling them about his daughter. Kamry has been asking him if they have written him back yet, but he has not gotten anything in the mail since.

"No, not yet, they might not have gotten the letters yet, or they just need some time to think. When I first heard about you I was shocked, so they might be too. Don't worry, I will let you know when I hear from them. " Kelly tells her. He was wondering why Kamry wanted to meet them so badly, but then he remembered, he doesn't think Kamry was around any of her grandparents. they aren't around anymore on her mom's side of the family. He doesn't want her to be disappointed when she finds out that his parents are not the sweet grandparents that you see on TV. Hopefully, they will change, at least for her.

"Okay, umm can I tell you something? I heard someone talking about you. I know that I'm not supposed to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, but it just kind of happened." Kamry says rambling.

"Woah, slow down, what's going on? What did someone say about me"? Kelly asked her. Wondering why she is getting so worked up by it.

Kamy looks up at her dad. "Remember last week when I went to Violet's house for a playdate with her and Annabelle. Kelly nods his head remembering that day. Well, I heard Matt and Gabby saying some things about you and it made me upset." Kamry starts to tell her dad what she heard Matt and Gabby said.

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