Chapter 13

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New chapter!! I decided that I am going to keep Andy Darden alive in this story. He and his wife Heather Darden have 5-year-old twins. Alexis and Jackson. So this means that there is not going to be any tension between Heather Darden and Kelly Severide.  lilyliv123 requested the storyline of Kelly and Kamry going to the firehouse barbeque. Thanks for the suggestion!!

It was a beautiful Saturday day in September and today was the annual firehouse barbecue. Firefighters and their families always look forward to this get-together every year.

Benny hasn't talked to Kelly since the phone call he had with him saying that he wasn't going to come and see Kamry until he takes a paternity test. Kelly was still mad about this but he was trying to put on a happy face for his daughter. Kamry has noticed that something has been up with her dad. Sometimes she would see him just zoning out or see the sadness in his eyes. She would ask him if he was okay and he would always say yeah. She didn't believe him though.

Kelly and Kamry pull up to the barbeque and get out of the car. Matt and Gabby pull up beside them also. "Hey Kamry, do you want to go and play some of the games over there, " Violet asks her.

"Yeah sure, come on, " Kamry replies. Both of them running over to the games. The parents head over to the tables where everyone is sitting and talking amongst themselves.

"Hey! Lee Henry! I'm not going to tell you again! Put the stick down before I beat you with it!" Herrmann shouts Lee Henry, dropping the stick. The children around him were laughing.

"Woah, take it easy," Cruz tells him.

"You gotta be fair, but firm," Herrman replies. Kelly smiles at this. He hasn't had to really discipline or yell at Kamry since she came to Chicago. She's a good kid, but he knows one day he might have to put his foot down. Hopefully not too soon though.

"Uncle Kelly!" Little Alexis Darden shouted excitedly, climbing onto Kelly's lap.

"Hey munchkin", Kelly says. Alexis or Lexie, what everyone calls her, loved Severide. Everyone knows that she had a crush on him. She was wrapped around Kelly's finger. Five years ago, Kelly delivered Lexie at the firehouse after Heather Darden went into emergency labor. He was the first to hold her and the first one that she smiled at. Her twin brother Jackson was just like his father. Determined and brave. He wants to become a firefighter when he grows up.

Severide went over to the coolers to grab himself a beer. A beautiful woman walks over to the cooler also.

"Well, he protects Chicago and serves the beer?" She asks.

"For right now sure," Kelly replies with a smile.

"I'm Nicki," the woman says, introducing herself. Kelly introduces himself and hands her a cold beer.

"How long have you been a firefighter?" She asks him. Taking a sip of her beer.

"Since the day I was born," Severide tells her. While the two of them are talking, Andy looks at the both of them from where he is sitting.

"Looks like Severide has met a new lady friend," He says. This grabs the other guys' attention as they all look at Severide.

"She doesn't seem like his type. I bet you twenty bucks that he will walk away," Cruz says to Andy. Just seconds after Cruz said that Kelly is seen walking back to the table. Andy pulls a twenty-dollar bill out of his pocket and gives it to Cruz.

Kelly notices this and he already knows that they made some type of bet on him. 'What was that all about?" He asks them.

"Oh nothing, Darden just owed me some money after I bought him a couple of drinks at the bar the other day", Cruz tells Severide.

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