Chapter 3

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While driving back from their call, Gabby wants to know why a social worker was there to talk to Shay and Kelly. "So, Gabby says in the passenger seat of the ambo. "What did the social worker want with you and Kelly"?

Shay looks over at Gabby. Even though Gabby is her best friend this is a personal matter. Especially for Kelly.

"It's something private that's going on with Kelly," Shay says, turning to look at Gabby, hoping she could just leave it at that.

"Come on Shay, I'm your best friend, you can tell me. Are you thinking about adopting a kid or something? Because if that's the case then I wanna be there for you."

"What, no, Shay says, hopefully not sounding too defensive. It's nothing like that. Look it's not my place to say anything. When Kelly is ready I'm pretty sure he will tell everyone what's going on." Gabby decided to just leave it at that.

Once they returned from the firehouse, Kelly tells Shay to meet him in his office. "Hey man, you alright you seemed a little distracted on the way back here," Matt says

Kelly looks up at Matt, "Yeah, I'm good. Just got a lot going on right now." Kelly says.

Matt nods his head, "Well if there's anything I can do to help, I'm here for you." Kelly smiles and says thanks.

Kelly knows that he can't keep this a secret forever. He's going to have to tell them sooner or later. He's thinking about telling them either before or after he meets Kamry.

Once Kelly reaches his office he sees Shay sitting on the bed with her head in his hands.

"Hey, you alright," Kelly says as he goes to sit next to her. "Yeah, I'm good. I just can't believe she's dead. I wish I had a chance to see her just one more time." Shay says looking at Kelly. "Yeah, me too," Kelly says back.

"How are you feeling, knowing that you have a daughter?" Shay asks Kelly.

"To be honest I'm kind of scared, I mean would if she doesn't like me or doesn't want to come live with me. I already missed 8 years of her life. I don't know what she likes, her favorite foods, color, her favorite subject in school."

Shay looks at Kelly and smiles and says, "of course you don't know those things, but you're going to get to know these things. I mean I know she's 9 years old, but she is still a little girl, you still get to watch her grow up." Kelly nods his head knowing she's right.

"You know I'm happy you're being so supportive throughout this whole thing. I don't think I will be able to handle this all on my own." Kelly says. "You know I'll always be here for you Kelly no matter what," Shay says rubbing his shoulder.

"You ready to read this letter?" Shay asks. Kelly takes a deep breath and nods his head.

Shay hands Kelly the envelope and he pulls the letter out. He begins to read it out loud.

Dear Kelly,

I know it's been a while. I regret not contacting you sooner. I hope everything is going well for you and Shay. I miss both of you so much. I saw from an article about you saving a little boy from a skyscraper, you were always so brave. When I was reading that article I also saw that you and Shay are working at the same firehouse. I'm so happy you guys followed your dreams to become a firefighter and a paramedic.

By the time you are reading this, I know that you guys have already found about me passing away from breast cancer. It's tough riding out that sentence, but I knew that I didn't have much time left. You probably also know by now that I have a daughter. I got pregnant 3 months after you left Pennsylvania. I was going to tell you, but I was scared. I mean we couldn't make our relationship work out because we were so busy, how were we going to raise a child together. It was a tough decision but I decided to just raise Kamry as a single mom. I told plenty of stories about you and Shay both. When Kamry was starting to go to school she kept asking questions about you. Upset because she didn't have a dad like the other kids at school. I had to keep reminding her that she does have a dad and that she will meet you one day. When Kamry turned 7 I was going to contact you, but then I started getting really sick. Went to the hospital and they told me that I had stage 3 breast cancer. I was so scared. There was a point where the doctors told me that nothing else could be done. That's when I sat down with aunt Connie and told her about what I wanted to happen with Kamry. She supported my decision to wanting Kamry to come and live with you, but she wants to meet you in person first. She is very protective over Kamry so please do not let her down.

Let me tell you about Kamry. She is a lovely girl. She has a beautiful smile and she has your eyes. She loves to ride her bike, swim, and play with her friends. She has a spunky attitude when she positive what she knows what she wants. So good luck with that. When she is indoors she loves playing with dolls, especially American Girl dolls, and coloring and reading. She used to love dresses and skirts, but now she hates them. Her favorite food is spaghetti and she loves ice cream cake. I found new things about her every day, and so will you. I know you are going to love her and I know that Shay is going to love her also.

Shay if you are reading this and if not Kelly please let her know what wrote in this letter. I wanted her to be her godmother because I know that one day Shay will make an amazing mom one day. Kamry is also going to need a mother figure in her life, and I know that you Shay are perfect for that role. You are caring, loving, and you have the best sense of humor. I have told Kamry stories about you and even though she hasn't met you yet she loves you already.

That saying Kelly and Shay please take good care of my little girl. I hope you aren't mad about me not telling you about Kamry, but I had to do what is best for Kamry. Kelly, I am now giving you this opportunity to raise Kamry and I hope you take the opportunity. I know that you are scared but you were always good with kids and I know that you can do this. Be strong for your little girl, she's going to need it.

Love, Alyssa

When Kelly got done reading, he had tears streaming down his face. Shay sobbing quietly. Shay starts rubbing her hand up and down Kelly's back.

Kelly takes a deep breath and sits up and turns to Shay. "I'm going to do this. This little girl is going through a lot and she needs her father. Can you promise me that you will be with me every step of the way?" Kelly says to Shay.

"Of course, I promise. You don't have to do this alone. You have me and the firehouse family and I am positive that they are going to love her." Shay says to Kelly and he brings her in for a hug.

A couple of hours and calls later, Kelly got in contact with Connie and she wants him to come and meet him in Maine. Kelly agreed, but that means that he needs to tell Cheif Boden that he is going to need to tell him what's going on and he is going to need time off.

Kelly heads to Boden's office and knocks on the door. Boden waves him in.

"What can I do for you, Kelly?" Boden asks. Kelly has a seat and folds his hand in his lap.

"There was a social worker here earlier that came here to talk to me and Shay. She told us about our former friend that we were close with in high school and college has passed away. 2 weeks ago. Boden sits back in his chair and wonders if Kelly needs time off to go to the funeral. Not knowing why he really needs time off.

"Her name was Alyssa Evans. She left behind a 8-year-old daughter. She also happens to be my daughter. Boden stares at Kelly shocked by the news. Alyssa wants me to take custody of Kamry. I have to go to and meet her Aunt Connie back in Maine before Kamry comes and lives with me." Kelly finishes.

Boden stands up and walks up to his desk to stand in front of Kelly. "First I want to start off by saying that I am so sorry for your loss. Second, you take as much time as you need to be there for your daughter. I'll put you on a personal leave of absence." Kelly nods his head stands up and tells Boden thank you. He goes to leave his office when Kelly tells him that the only other person that knows this information is him and Shay and that he keeps it this way. At least for right now. Boden respects his wishes.

Before Kelly leaves his office, Boden says, "Kelly you're going to be ok, You have a big family here that's going to be here for you and Kamry." Kelly thanks him and leaves his office.

Chicago Fire: I'll be here for you, forever and always (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now