Chapter 35

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*Time Skip*

Clay and I's door flew open, revealing Matt and Henry running to the bed. Before I could move, Henry had jumped on top of Clay and I, waking us up.

"Wake up it's time for presents!" Matt yelled before hopping off the bed and running down the stairs with Henry. I looked at the clock on my nightstand to see it was 7 am.

I groaned as I rolled to be facing Clay. He smiled and put his hand on my cheek before sitting up.

"Merry Christmas." He said to me, standing up. Clay's mom had bought all 4 of us matching red and black pajama pants with black T-shirts to wear. Matt and Henry were excited about it, Clay and I were not.

"Merry Christmas." I responded, stretching my arms above my head.

I followed Clay downstairs, passing the photo on the wall of all 4 of us in front of our tree. Clay's mom took pride in that photo and even made it the Christmas card that she sent out to her friends and family.

"Good morning boys!" Clay's mom said to us from the kitchen. Matt and Henry were sitting on the couch, staring at the presents.

"You guys are such children." Clay laughed as he sat down at the kitchen table. Clay's dad had been sitting on the opposite end of the table with his coffee mug.

"You guys better eat quick before they explode over there." He said as he gestured towards the living room. Clay's mom then brought out plates for both of us, Clay digging in immediately.

"Hurry up!" Matt yelled from the living room, making me laugh. I ate quickly to fulfill their wishes and walked into the living room to see the presents under the tree.

As Clay's parents walked in behind us, Matt and Henry jumped towards the stockings on the fire place.

"Wait! Let me get a picture of you boys in your matching pajamas. Stand in front of the tree." Clay's mom held up her phone as we sighed and arranged in front of the bright Christmas tree. "Ok go ahead."

Matt and Henry turned and grabbed their stockings before sitting on the floor to see what had been inside. Clay took both of ours off of the hook and handed me mine. We sat next to each other on a couch and started to take the stuff out.

"Woah look at this Matt!" Henry yelled, holding up a headband from one of his favorite shows, Naruto.

"I got one too!" Matt responded as he dug out a matching headband.

Patches then walked into the living room and hopped up onto my lap. I smiled as I pulled out a new beanie from my stocking along with a variety of candy.

"These are so cool, thank you." Clay said to his parents, holding up a pair of blue and white football gloves.

We all finished opening our stockings, so I picked Patches up and set her down on the floor next to me. Matt had reached for a gift but was stopped by his mom.

"One at a time so I can see your reactions please. Oldest to youngest."

Clay grabbed the first gift he saw that had his name on it among the jumble of patterned gifts. He slowly opened it to reveal a football jersey. His facial expression lit up as he held it up for Matt to see.

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