Chapter 7: Blackwater Bay.

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"We are now approaching King's Landing, sir." A Commando Droid had informed Tywin.

"Have the Droids deployed on the Gunships to reinforce our men, we'll also send in the Vulture Droids to cripple Stannis's fleet, that is if they survive the wildfires." Tywin ordered.

"Roger Roger." The Commando Droid replied.

"Lord Tywin. Tyrell forces are approaching." A Battle Droid reported.

Tywin could see the Tyrell forces led by Loras Tyrell approach his own troops.

"Lord Tywin." Loras greeted.

"Ser Loras." Tywin replied.

Loras looked at the Battle Droids. "Your companions?" He asked.

"Compliments of The Separatist Alliance." Tywin answered.  

"We'll ride to King's Landing and save the city then." Loras declared.

"Indeed." Tywin replied. He turned to the Battle Droids. "You know what to do." 

4 Droid Gunships along with several Vulture fighters made off for King's Landing. 

"Shall we?" Tywin asked. 

Loras nodded and they rode ahead of the Battle Droid armies. 

Davos and his son, Mathis were approaching the city on their ship. They could hear the sound of the bells ringing.

"They're welcoming their new king." Mathis said.

"I've never known bells to mean a surrender." Davos replied. "They want to play music with us, let's play. Drums."

Mathis barked out the order. "DRUMS!"

The ships of Stannis Baratheon started to bang their drums. The battle was starting.

At the Red Keep, Tyrion Lannister, the Dwarf of Casterly Rock and acting as Hand of the King was speaking with Ser Bronn about the plan with the Wildfire. "Remember, wait until--"

"The ships are in the bay." Bronn interrupted annoyed like a child to a nagging parent.

"They must be far enough in so--"

"I know what in means." Bronn interrupted again. He then saw Tyrion carry an axe. "Do you know how to use that?" He asked.

"I chopped wood once." Tyrion answered. "No, I watched my brother chopping wood." He corrected.

"I saw you kill a man with a shield. You'll be unstoppable with an axe." Bronn said. He shook hands with Tyrion. "Don't get killed.

"Nor you my friend." Tyrion replied.

That got Bronn's attention. "Oh, are we friends now?" He asked.

"Of course we are." Tyrion answered. "Just because I pay you for your services doesn't diminish our friendship." 

"Enhances it really." Bronn shot back.

"Oh, enhances. Fancy word for a sellsword." Tyrion noted.

"Been spending time with fancy folks." Bronn explained. He left to go to his position.

Tyrion still had one last thing left to do. That was see Shae off. Shae was technically considered a whore but that didn't matter to Tyrion. He really liked Shae. But to protect her, Tyrion had her assigned to be Sansa's handmaiden. Even with all of that, no one could know about them. If Cersei found out, well that would be bad. 

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