Chapter 2

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2 weeks later

3rd Person POV

The eighth year students began arriving at Hogwarts Express. The students began gathering in the train as it was 5 minutes before lift off. All of the seats were full, all except the one Draco was in.

Draco's Pov
I sat down with my head down and hands on my lap waiting patiently for the train to leave. That was when the door opened. "Why are you here you filthy death eater", a 7th year Gryffindor says to me. I say nothing but lowered my hear cowering away. All of a sudden a hand lifts my chin harshly forcing me to look up. I let out a small yelp before he starts to speak again. "My sister died because of you, you should be dead, you should be rotting in Azkaban" he says. He punches me straight in my jaw causing my to shut my eyes and bring my hand up to clench my jaw. He throws a couple more punches to my stomach and one more on my face before someone shouts. "STOP IT AND GET OUT", Blaise says as he enters with Neville and Luna by his side. Neville looks angry and Luna looks worried. The Gryffindor boy leaves but not before cursing me.

"God Dray, are you ok", Neville says, crouching down to Draco. "I'm fine, ok nothing happened", I said. "Well those bruises on your face obviously aren't nothing",Blaise says also crouching down to me. "Guys please ",I said whispering. They look at each other unsure before finally taking a seat. "Can I take a look at your face Draco", Luna says in her calm and soft voice. I shrug and go to seat next her. I stand up before sitting down next to her. She looks at my face for a couple minutes before giving me a light kiss on my face. I blush a little and yawn.

"When was the last time you slept Dray", Blaise said in a soft voice. I shrug but he gave a glare. " I don't know maybe like 4 days ago". Their eyes bulged out and they gasped. "Draco if you do not lay down right now, I will punch you",Neville says in a low but deadly voice. I look aways before putting my head on Luna's lap and my feet on Blaise's lap. I saw the smile and I closed my eyes. Then I drifted off into an unpleasant sleep.

Draco's Nightmare
I was on the floor thrashing. His latest punishment was the Crucio curse and my daily beating. But , this was when my father decided to take it up a notch. "This is your fault, you let a mudblood pass you on your test, you failure",Lucius said spitting Venom with every word. That is when he climbed on top of me.
He climbed on top of me and licked my cheek. His hot breath on my neck as he was tugging at my trousers. I was screaming and trying to kick him off. He slaped me on my face and a metallic taste filled my mouth. He tugged of his belt and wrapped my hands with it pinning them above me. "HELP, PLEASE",I was screaming and sobbing. I was going to be raped by my own father. He ripped of my trousers and underwear as he did the same for his self. The seconds were going by slowly with me sobbing when I let out a blood curdling scream. There was a horrible pain in my lower back area as I was being raped. He rapidly thrust into me hard. I screamed out as the pain was unbearable. "You know you love it you disgusting slut, I always knew you were a fag*ot (SORRY FOR THE OFFENSIVE WORD)",Lucius said as his hot breath going down my neck. "DRACO PLEASE ", I heard a voice calling out to me. All of a sudden, I was being shaken. I didn't know what was happening until I opened my eyes. Blaise was standing above me with tears in his eyes and Neville, with tears down his face, and Luna with her eyes also watering, watched me. I began sobbing as the memory of my memory came back to life. "I-it was horrible,  h-he wouldn't stop, even after I b-begged him to", I said sobbing as 3 pairs of arms wrapped around me. They began saying soothing things in my ear until I calmed down. Then the train stopped but even then none of us got up from our group hug.

Sorry for the sad scene. It is my first time doing anything similar or even that, If it was bad I am sorry. But, I finally updated!! YAY!! Thank you all for reading this chapter and the rest of the book. It has just started but I  plan
On continuing. Anyways,  Thank You All For Reading!!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!

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