Chapter 25

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Draco's POV

Draco groaned as he pushed himself off of Harry's chest and rubbed his eyes groggily. Class was starting in about an hour so I knew I had to wake Harry up. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips but it was enough to make his eyes flutter open and his piercing emerald green eyes looked into my silver ones. "What time is it", Harry said getting up and rubbing his eyes. "About an hour before class", I said ruffling his fluffy raven hair. Harry nodded and gave me a kiss on the head. " you think you will be okay?", Harry said looking concerned. I was scared as hell but I wouldn't tell him, so I just nodded. "How was it with your dad's", I asked rubbing his shoulders as he swung his legs over the bed. "Good, wish you could have gone", Harry said smiling. I gave him a sad smile but shook my head nonetheless. "Don't say that", I said getting up smiling at him to make him not feel bad. He opened his mouth to object but nothing came out so he began getting ready.

~•~• Time Skip ~•~•~

3rd Person POV

Since Harry had made his way to his own classes already, Draco was walking alone to his class rather slowly since he had about 8 minutes. His attention was caught when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Weasley. Ron put his hands up in a surrender position and chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hit you", Ron said. "It wouldn't be the first time", Draco said mumbling but Ron still heard. Ron grabbed Draco's wrist but Draco flinchedand pulled away. "About that, can we talk", Ron said removing his hands from Draco's wrist and rubbed his own neck. " Okay, but we can walk and talk, I need to get to class in a bit", Draco said rubbing his wrist.

Ron nodded and began walking. At first it was quiet but Ron began talking. "Look about everything, beating you up, I'm sorry. I honestly don't know why I did it. I guess I thought you were still the same prat you were while we were younger but then after the war you really changed and things got exposed and I felt like an ass and Harry's my best mate and"- Draco cut Ron off by putting a hand on his shoulder. "I forgive you", Draco said. Ron's eyes widened. "Really?!", Ron said. Draco nodded and stopped walking. "This is my spot, and I forgive you for everything and I truly am sorry for being a prat when I was younger", Draco said with a lopsided smile. "Thanks mate, I will see you around. Again, I'm sorry", Ron said smiling. Draco nodded. "Good bye Draco", Ron said smiling. "Goodbye Ronald", Draco said smiling but was hiding a smirk. They both nodded and went there separate ways.

~•~ Time skip ~•~•~

Draco Pov's

Class had ended already and Draco was making his way to the Great Hall when he got shoved into a locker. It was some bloody hufflepuffs, so much for being the kind house. They were all bigger and stronger than him, so much for getting out of this. "Is it true you enjoy getting fucked by your Dad Malfoy", the tallest hufflepuff said. I just tried to escape their grasp but that only cause me to be shoved harder again, a gasp emitting from my mouth. "Answer me death-eater, you liked getting fucked by other death-eaters, you probably begged them to fuck you", The strongest hufflepuff boy said. "Leave me alone", I said able to shove one of the boys back. I got a punch to my stomach so I hurled over. "ANSWER ME",yelled one of the Hufflepuffs attracting attention to many people. "FUCK YOU", I said spitting into their face, my saliva mixed with blood. It was obviously a dumb move since I received another couple punches to the face and stomach. "STOP", I heard a voice say. It was Hermione. We had recently became friends so hopefully she would help me out and not just stare like everyone else. When I looked up I saw Hermione with a wand at her side, Harry who was fuming with anger, ready to punch them all, and Ronald with a look of sympathy.

"Or what", The strongest hufflepuff said grabbing me from my collar and shoving me hard to the locker making some blood come out of mouth. "DID YOU FORGET THAT I KILLED VOLDERMORT, SO I SWEAR ON MERLIN IF YOU DON'T LEAVE DRACO ALONE I WILL DO FAR WORSE TO YOU", Harry yelled now getting held back by Ronald. If someone tested him, he would end their life which was quite scary yet comforting. All three hufflepuffs looked at eachother and dropped me to the floor, making me fall with a thud, and walked away. Harry rushed over to my side and picked my head up in his hands. "My savior", I said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes chuckling. "Not even a couple hours I'm gone and you're already getting beat up. I rolled my eyes and used his shoulders to helped them to help me pick myself up. "You okay", Hermione said with a look of worry on her face. "I'm quite peachy ", I said rolling my eyes before nodding with a small smile and using my robe to wipe off the blood from my mouth. Ronald came up to me and observed my face. "They got you pretty good mate", Ronald said making me rool my eyes and chuckle. "I'd say so", I said smiling. They all smiled at me and we all began walking together. (Forget Draco had an eating disorder since I totally forgot about it so he eats a regular amount). "Let's head to the Great Hall to get some food, I'm starving", Ronald said which made Hermione roll her eyes. "Honestly Ronald, when are you not", Hermione said making me chuckle. We all made our way to the Great Hall together.
Who would have thought that the Golden Trio and the Prince of Slytherin would be hanging out. Certainly not any of us.

Thank you all so much for reading this book. I can not even say how thankful I am for like 2.9k. I love you guys all so much. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Who would have thought the Golden Trio and Prince of Slytherin would be friends. But, weirdly I love it, they all need eachother in their lives. I love you all and thank you for reading. Until next time 🐍 💚 🐍 💚

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