Chapter 19

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Y'all this chapter is probably gonna be sad since it is going to dive into almost all of Draco's past. There will be mentions of abuse and rape and torture and some other sad shit. I will put a trigger warning

Draco's Pov

Harry, Sirius, and Professor Lupin sat in front of me. "Tell us from the beginning okay", Professor Lupin said looking at me. I nodded and looked down. "From when p-proffesor Lupin", I said looking down so my voice came out muffled. "You can call me Remus and him Sirius okay, no need to be professional", Remus said smiling slightly. I nodded and took a deep breath.

3rd Person POV

As Draco took a deep breath, Remus and Sirius interlocked their fingers. "Well, since I was young, I was always kind of neglected as a child", Draco said raising his head up a bit. "My mother was always the one their for me but my father never really talked to me, he wouldn't even really acknowledge me", Draco said scrunching his nose. "When I got older he started to acknowledge me, well not in a good way you get me", Draco said looking up to Sirius and Remus. They both nodded and Draco continued. "When I got to 6 he began hitting me, at first it was just a couple slaps to my mouth when I talked out of place but then it became slaps to the whole face, then punches", he said taking a deep breath. "At 7 he used the Crucio curse on me, it hurt so much. Like you're being stabed repeatedly and being burned from the inside. I didn't sleep for a week because of my screaming echoing in my head", Draco said taking a deep breath. "He began doing it once a week when I turned 8", Draco said looking down. "When I turned 9 it got bad though", he said looking down. His eyes began to water when he began talking again. "It was my birthday, I had just turned 9 when he came to my room at night. I thought maybe, just maybe he would give me a birthday gift you know. I was a naive fucking kid, but it wasn't that". He looked up and his eyes were watering. (TW RAPE⚠️) "He came to the corner of my bed and yanked my blanket back. I just you know, shrugged it off, but then he put a hand on my thigh. I tried to shake my leg to get his hand off but I just received a harsh slap. His hand just kept getting higher and higher. I began getting scared you know, he was getting closer to my private and I didn't like that. I tried to get up but i just got knocked back down when he slapped me. By then I was crying, I was scared, really fucking scared", Draco said tears streaming down his face and his lip quivering. "He just began taking off his pants and mine and I-I just started screaming. Nobody heard though. No one heard me screaming for help. I was gonna get FUCKING RAPED BY MY OWN FATHER", Draco said tears rushing down his face, while he began screaming towards the end. "Then there I was, a 9 year old on their bed, getting thrusted into by his own fucking father, raped on his own birthday by his own Fucking father", Draco said looking up. You could see tears streaming down his face and his lip quivering. Sirius and Lupin had tears weld up in their eyes and Harry had tears streaming down his cheeks. Draco looked back down. "He did this until I was 11, he stopped when I got to Hogwarts but as soon as I came back for break, I was greeted by a slap and shoved into my bed to get punched repeatedly. I always hated going home, but I had no choice", Draco said, his voice cracking. "He raped me and abused me till I was 17, or until the V-voldermort came back", Draco said gulping. "Then it started again, but I started getting abused by V-voldermort and g-greyback and my father again", Draco said. "I hadn't got raped in a couple months until I was thrown in the dungeon after healing Luna. Neville saw me and we became friends", Draco said looking up to Harry. "How did you guys become friends", Harry said quietly. "I began giving him the food they would give me, he needed it more than me even though I wouldn't let them touch him. You know, when I got raped by Fenir, Neville was there. I was screaming out in pain after Fenir raped me. Neville comforted me and then we became really good friends", Draco said smiling sadly. He cleared his throat and wiped his tears quickly. (END OF TW⚠️) "Well, thats basically my story", Draco said chuckling sadly. Harry stood up and gave Draco a big hug. Draco wanted to break down so bad but he wouldn't allow himself to. Harry hugged him and kissed his head many times. He repeatedly said "I love you" and "you're so strong". Sirius and Remus wiped their tears before walking over to Draco. "Hey, come here", Sirius said softly. Draco walked over with his head hanged low. Sirius wrapped his arms around Draco and gave him a big hug. "Next time I see him, he's dead, also, you're family okay, I will always be here for you", Sirius said in Draco's ear. Draco smiled softly and nodded. Draco yawned softly and sat down. "Okay, you're not going to the rest of the classes and you're gonna take a nap Okay", Lupin said smiling softly. Draco nodded and smiled softly. "Thanks for opening up Draco", Harry said giving Draco a kiss on the cheek. Draco nodded and smiled. He went to take of his jumper. "You're not gonna take of you're shirt, it's pretty hot", Sirius said chuckling. Draco looked down and shook his head no. Sirius looked a bit concerned but nodded. Draco kicked off his shoes and layed down. Sirius and Remus walked out holding hands but Harry stayed in the room. "I'm going to get to class okay", Harry said smiling softly. Draco nodded and before he went to lay back down, Harry grabbed his hand. Harry put his lips on Draco's lips. The kiss was passionate but yet slow. Harry swiped his tongue onto Draco's bottom lip and Draco allowed Harry to access his mouth. Harry smiled into the kiss and pulled away. Draco's face was flushed and Harry chuckled. "Get some rest", Harry said before giving him a final kiss on the head and walked out. Draco smiled and layer down. Within a few minutes his breath softened and the room was quiet besides Draco's light snores.

This chapter was really sad. Like can we all just go ahead and murder Lucius and Fenir as well as Voldermort. Even though Voldermort already dead cause homeboy Harry killed him. I love you all so much and thanks for like 1.7k views. LIKE WTF I LOVE YOU GUYS AND THANK YOU SO MUCH. I will update when I can and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time🐍💚🐍💚🐍

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