Chapter 16

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3rd Person POV

As Harry lays on his bed, he hears the door open. He jumps of his bed and heads to the door only to find Draco taking of his shoes. "Hello Draco", Harry says grinning. "Hi", Draco says quietly but has a smile on his face. "What were you doing", Harry says smiling but raising an eyebrow. "Oh, I had a nap at Neville's", Draco says with a small shrug. "But I'm still tired", Draco says quickly after his last sentence. This made Harry chuckle lightly. "It is pretty late", Harry says shrugging. Draco nods and checks the time. "Shit, its 11", Harry says chuckling. Harry goes to his cabinet and pulls out pajama pants. Draco does the same but he pulls out pants, a long sleeved shirt, and a jumper. They both get into their separate beds and get their blankets.

"So, before you go to sleep you want to talk about what happened", Harry says looking down. "Okay", Draco says quietly. "What are we", Harry says looking straight into Draco's beautiful eyes. "What do you want to be", Draco says quietly. "With you", Harry says smiling crooked. "Okay", Draco says quietly. "Draco", Harry says getting out of his bed and walking towards Draco's bed. "Yes", Draco says quietly. "Will you be my boyfriend", Harry asks sitting down on Draco's bed. "Okay", Draco says with a smile. Harry placed his palm to Draco's pink tinted cheek and ducks down to connect their mouths. The kiss is sweet and slow. They spend their time savoring the kiss as they explore each others mouths. Draco reluctantly places his hand to Harry's chest and back up from the kiss smiling. "Good night Harry", Draco says smiling sweetly. "Good night Draco", Harry says smiling down to Draco before walking away. Harry slips into his bed and lets darkness over come his mind.

Harry woke up to the sound of whimpering. He choose to ignore but eventually he heard a choked out sob. He rushed out of bed when he realized it was Draco. Draco was thrashing on his bed, tears streaming down his face and his face had a pained expression. All of a sudden there was a loud scream of pain that came from Draco. "Hey. Hey you're okay, I'm right here", Harry said trying to calm Draco. "Stop, HELP ME", Draco yells and screams out in pain. "Please Draco, it's me love", Harry says stroking Draco's hair. "I'm right here", Harry says crouching down to give Draco a hug. Draco's eyes bulged open and he is sobbing into Harry's neck while clinging for dear life." H-HARRY", Draco said in between sobs. "I'm here okay, I'm right here", Harry said rubbing circles on Dracos back while continuing to hug Draco tightly. "It hurt so m-much, h-he wouldn't s-stop, P-please it wasn't m-my fault", Draco said sobbing. "Its okay, I know its not your fault okay, I'm right here", Harry said with his eyes watering from how it hurt to see the man you love in pain. Draco was shivering and he wouldn't stop crying. Racks of sobs were corseing through his body and he just sobbed and shivering. The sobs echoed down a bit but he was still holding onto Harry for dear life. "Hey Imma lay you down on the bed okay", Harry said whispering softly to Draco's ear. "Please don't leave me", Draco said raising his head up to meet Harry's eyes. The man looked so broken. Their were tear marks all around his face and he was whimpering. "I'm not leaving okay, imma lay down and protect you", Harry said with a ad smile kissing Draco's forehead. Draco nodded as tears trailed down his face once more. Harry snaked his arm around Draco's waist and Draco put his head to Harry's chest as they laid down. Draco was shivering so Harry pulled Draco closer to his body and wrapped a blanket between the two of them. Draco snuggled up into Harry and gave his cheek a kiss. Harry smiled slightly and gave Draco another kiss to the forehead. Harry watched as Draco stopped crying and closed his eyes. It took a lot of head kisses but eventually Draco was asleep. When Draco was asleep, Harry began to close his eyes as well. Both of the boys feel asleep body's wrapped around eachother. Draco had dry tears marks on his face and Harry had a small, sad smile on his face as he sleep. Both boys were able to sleep the rest of the night peacefully surrounding each other with their body warmth.

This was a short chapter but i thought it was pretty cute. YALL I HAVE LIKE 1.5K READS AND I AM SO THABKFUL FOR YOU GUYS. I LIVE YALL SO MUCH AND CAN NOT EVEN SAH HOW THANKFUL I AM FOR YOU GUYS. I love you guys so much and I hope you guys continue to read this book. The next chapter will be posted tomorrow and maybe another chapter as well. Even though it is 12 at night, I hope you guys had an amazing Valentines Day. I just had a 5 hour nap but otherwise I did nothing. I live you guys and thanks for reading this chapter. Until next time....🐍💚🐍💚🐍💚

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