Chapter 23

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3rd Person POV/ Draco's Pov

As Draco's eyes fluttered open, he was overwhelmed with a giant pain in his head. He couldn't really remember anything but he could tell he got drunk since it seemed to he had a giant hangover. Draco slowly got out of bed trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his head as he walked over to his cabinet. He pulled out a black long sleeved sweater and some dark green jeans and quickly got dressed. Not really quickly since he was constantly getting dizzy, but he got changed as quickly to his inability. He pulled on some of his black and white converse. By now the pain had gone down a bit but he still had a little headache. He choose to ignore it and he walked out of the door wondering how today would bit since Harry was not here and he was not coming till tomorrow.

As Draco walked out of the common room he notice quite a lot of people were starting at him. He was usually really good at reading expressions but he was a bit confused right now. Some hufflepuffs looked worried while other Ravenclaws were looking at him with sympathy. What shocked him even more was that some Gryffindors gave him a slight sad smile. "The fuck happened yesterday", Draco said mumbling to himself. Draco was really hungry even though he knew if he ate he would get fat but he hadn't ate in 2 days so he thought he deserved to at least eat a little. He mentally groaned at the thought of getting fat but he wanted to make Harry proud. He hadn't cut in a couple days and Harry seemed proud of that. He didn't want to mess up and disappoint him. Draco had a small smile creep on his face as he began walking to the Great Hall think of Harry. He constantly passed people who looked at him so sad others as if they were on the verge of laughing. Draco was confused but he took a deep breath as he entered the Great Hall.

Draco entered the Great Hall and thanks to Merlin himself almost everyone looked straight at him. Draco was uncomfortable so he quickly made his way to were Luna was sitting. "Hullo Draco", Luna said smiling. "Hello Luna, how have you been", Draco said smiling snagging a 3 sausages and exactly 1 small pancakes. "Good, eat so more Draco", Luna said smiling, putting another small pancake on Draco's plate. He probably wasn't going to eat it but Draco still said Thank You. Draco turned his head to look back only to see dozens of eyes staring at him. "Why are they all staring at me", Draco said nervous. Luna shrugged. "I'm not sure, I do not catch up with the news and drama these day", Luna said in her classic soft and sweet voice. Draco nodded. "Draco, may you give me some notes from Patil", Luna said giving him a small smile. Draco nodded and got up quickly. Draco walked over to the Patil twins and tapped there shoulder. "I'm very sorry to bother you, I know you do not tolerate me or even like me but Luna asked me if she could get your DADA notes", Draco said calmly. The Patil twins nodded and reached in there bag to give him the notes. They reached out and gave Draco the notes to which Draco grabbed them and thanked them. The gave him a sad smile and continued eating which made Drack confused. Why were they smiling at me? Why did it seem like they were pitying me?

Draco began walking away from the twins seats over to were Luna was currently sitting. But he was stopped abruptly when Hermione stopped him. "Hello?", Draco said a bit confused on why Granger had stoped him."are you okay Draco", Hermione asked concerned. Why was she worried about me? What happened? "Yeah I'm okay, why would I not be", Draco said half lying half telling the truth. "Why aren't you freaking out or something", Hermione said worried, putting a hand on Draco's shoulder. "Why wouldn't I be", Draco said confused yet worried. Hermione took a deep breath and closed her eyes slowly. "You haven't read the news, have you", Hermione said with a sad smile. Draco shook his head no, and went to go try to grab the Daily Prophet from one of the 2nd year Ravenclaws close to him. But as he went to reach out for Hermione put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Draco, if you need anything I'm here okay, we had bad past but the war is over and Harry likes you so I should get along with you", Hermione said with a small smile and emotions in here eyes that Draco couldn't read. But, Draco still smiled. "Thank you Hermione", Draco said smiling.

Hermione walked away and Draco was able to grab the Daily Prophet. He mumble a quick "Thanks", to the person who had handed him the Prophet. As soon as he began reading the title, his heart dropped.
Daily Prophet: Former Death Eater abused and Raped by Death Eater Father?!?!

A video voice recording was sent in confessing the truth about the young slytherin. He openly admitted he was raped by his father. He states that his worst memory is getting raped and abused by his father along with some of his Father's friends. Also, the young death eater is gay?! Who knew the death eater liked being bent over! More news on this on page.5.

Draco looked up with watery eyes noticing that attention was drawn to him as he stood there frozen reading his darkest secrets. His breathing grew heavy as he placed the Prophet down and speed walked out of the Great Hall hearing murmuring about him.

As soon as he walked out of the Great Hall he began sprinting to his room. "What the fuck happened yesterday", Draco said mumbling as tears began streaking his porcelain skin. As he arrived to his room he looked the door and dropped to his knees sobbing. He needed Harry, really bad. But he wasn't here. He was struggling to keep his breathing calm as his breathing got quicker and soon he was hyperventilating. He was sobbing and hyperventilating. "What the fuck happened", Draco said yelling now. He wanted Harry really bad. He wanted Harry to hug him, keep him safe, protect him from everything. Draco brought his legs up to his chest trying to calm himself by curling in on himself. He just needed to get through today and everything would be okay, or so he kept telling himself.

He didn't know how long he had been sitting there sobbing but by now he was exhausted. He got up on wobbling legs walking slowly to his bed. He just wanted to lay down and dissappear. Wake up and people like him and everything was okay. His father never hit him and loved him. He and Harry were in love and had a family. But, he could only wish. His thoughts were brought out by knocking on his door.

"Love are you okay", he heard Luna's muffled voice say. He heard other voices behind her so he knew it was Nev and Blaise. But, he heard another pair of shoes who he didn't know belonged to. "yeah", Draco said but his voice came out cracked. He heard Blaise sigh and they began trying to open the door. "I'm coming in Draco", he heard Neville say and a alohamora was casted. As soon they walked in Neville ran to him and almost suffocated him with the warm hug. But. Draco did not pull away, he actually got closer to the warmth feeling safe. It wasn't a long hug but it did make him feel better even though there were still tears streaming down his face. Now, he could see that Luna, Neville, Blaise, and Hermione were in the room.

"You okay Dragon"  Blaise said sitting down next to Draco, pulling him onto his shoulders. Draco didn't trust his voice so he simply nodded yes. "Bullshit", Blaise said quietly. They all chuckled sadly and sat on Draco's bed. "What happened yesterday", Draco said quietly. Nobody wanted to tell him but eventually Hermione began talking. "Someone gave you some firewiskey that was tainted with versitium", Hermione said taking a deep breath. "I assume you drank you more then you were supposed to and you got drunk off of it, then some absolute idiots asked you very personal questions. Such as if you had a good life or if you were gay, since you were forced to tell the truth, you just said what actually happened in your childhood", Hermione said quietly. Draco began sobbing. "T-there gonna think I was my father's toy", Draco said sobbing. "No they won't Draco, and if they do we will handle it, violence involved or not", Blaise said rubbing Draco's shoulder comforting him. "I want Harry", Draco said quietly but they all managed to hear him. "Just today okay, he will be back tomorrow morning", Hermione said giving him a sad smile. Draco nodded and wiped his eyes with his balled up fist. "M tried", Draco said groggily. Neville chuckled. "Get some rest Draco", Neville said removing his arms from Draco's shoulders and stepped away. "We will stay here okay, just lay down for a bit", Neville said ruffling up Draco's hair. Draco had a sad smile but nodded. He layed down and pretty soon he feel asleep to quiet mumbles.

Guys I updated again. This one might have been my biggest chapter with like 1620 words or something like that. I love you guys and thank you all so much for all the love you guys are getting me. I can not believe I have 2.6k I think. I love you guys all so much and I am so thankful for you all. I love you and until next time🐍💚🐍💚🐍💚

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