Chapter 32

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As Draco and Harry opened the door, they heard screaming. They looked and saw people screaming and running. This didn't calm there nerves for sure. They decided o go to looking for Hermione and Ron and Luna and Neville and Blaise. They just prayed they would be together.

As Harry and Draco ran through crowds holding eachother tightly, they began to panic. They just survived a war, just nearly survived, and now they were in another war.

"HERMIONE!", Harry yelled out as he spotted Hermione and Ron holding hands looking panicked. As they saw Harry and Draco, some of the panic went away. Hermione and Ron ran to Harry and Draco hugging Harry. Draco just simply smiled and gave them a side hug.

"I need to find my friends", Draco said and Harry immediately objected. "HARRY, IF IT WAS YOUR FRIENDS, YOU WOULD GO IMMEDIATELY. PLEASE", Draco basically begged and Harry just took a deep breath and nodded.

"You better be safe love, and be back soon and quickly", Harry said worried. Draco just nodded and Harry gave Draco a kiss on the head. Draco nodded at the trio and ran away on the search.

Draco found the other trio pretty quickly, since they were all together, looking for Draco. "GUYS", Draco yelled out and they all looked over and ran to Draco hugging him.

"Merlin Draco, I was so worried", Luna said worried. They all just nodded and hugged eachother tighter. "Me too, I'm glad you guys are safe", Draco said and they all agreed. "Come on lets go find the Golden Trio", Draco said and they all nodded and ran to go find the trio.

Within minutes both friend groups were united once again. "So, I guess the Choosen One gotta help us win this one too", Blaise said with a smirk but he could tell he was scared. "Yup, let's go", Harry said and grabbed Draco's hand as they all quickly walked outside to see the mess.

The mess was as bad as they thought. There was fire patches everywhere outside and death-eaters were everywhere, in the sky and on the ground attacking people.

"Shit, well Let's go save the day", Harry said rubbing his neck. He gave Draco a kiss on the head on the Golden trio waved and ran to go attack the death-eaters while the other 4 friends ran to to help people and attack other death-eaters.


Hexes and curses were going back and forth everywhere. Chants and curses were said as students and death-eaters were getting injured. Fire kept erupting. People were still screaming and running. The Chosen One didn't have a dark lord to take out this time but that didn't mean there wasn't a bunch of powerful Death-eater running around.

As Draco ran around a corner, he got split up from his group. He bumped into what he thought was a wall, but it was far worse. It was a death-eater. But, the one Draco didn't want. It was non other than Lucius Malfoy.

"Well if it isn't the traitor, my son", Lucius snarled.

"Lucius, why are you and the other Death-eater doing this", Draco said hurt in his voice.

"The Golden Boy needs to be dead of course, we just don't mind the other ones dying either", Lucius said with an evil smirk.

"You are not gonna touch the love of my life", Draco said pointing his wand at Lucius.

"You faggot, no wonder I did all of the things I did to you", Lucius spat venom on his tongue.

"Oh you mean raping, abusing, torture, and so much more since I can remember", Draco said teeth clenched. Lucius just chuckled, an evil, chaotic chuckle.

" I don't regret a thing, you truly are worthless", Lucius spat. But Draco didn't let the words get to him, Harry helped him so much and that was all on his mind. HARRY.

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