Chapter 10

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Draco's Pov
I woke up on something hard. I was unsure of what it was so I lifted my hooead and saw it was only Neville. It looked as if he was asleep to. I didn't know what time it was so I did a spell to make the time appear. It was 7 already. Shit. I didn't want to scare Neville by waking him up so I get closer to his face and gently blow on his nose. I do this a couple more times before I see his nose scrunch and his eyelashes flutter open. "Hello", Neville said confused. "Hi", I said in a squeaky voice. He smiles and sits up. "What time is it", he says rubing his eyes. "7", I say. His eyes widen and he jumps out of bed. "Damn it, I'm hungry", he said. I smile and give him his sweater that he had took off. He smiled and gladly put it on. We both got out of bed and exited my dorm not even noticing Harry.

Harry's POV

Dinner is over so I was heading to the dorm. I didn't see Draco in the Great Hall, not that I was looking. As I say the password to our dorm, I see he it is already there. I smile as I see him laying down. He looks like an angel. Then, I notice that he is not alone in his bed. He is with Neville. A sudden bubble of anger appears in my stomach for some unknown reason. They both are asleep which I am grateful for. I make may way to my bed and I change my shirt since we have no more classes.  I hear a noise from Draco's bed and so I decide to peek and see what it was. Turns out Draco was awake and was waking up Neville. He was lightly blowing on his nose which made my stomach have butterflies for some reason(AN- OBLIVIOUS HARRY AS USUAL). I see Neville wake up and they smile at each other before they get up, change and leave. I didn't know where they were going so I got out my old friend, the Mauraders Map. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good", and Draco's and Neville name appeared. They were at Gryffindor Tower because Neville slept there since he was a professor. Well for plants, but still. I put the map away and called for a house elf. "DOBBY", I yelled out. "Yes Master Harry", Dobby said. I smiled down at him and said,"can you get me some dinner please", I said. "Of course Master Harry",Dobby said. I smiled and went back to my bed. I put on a jumper and just sat on my bed until Dobby came back. It took less than 5 minutes for Dobby to come back with food. I put it down on my counter, thanked Dobby and went to the bathroom. I used the bathroom and turned on the water for a warm shower which I took my time with.

Draco's Pov

After I walked Neville to his room, I began walking back alone. It most likely wasn't the safest or the smartest since it's me. It was like 8 by now and dark. Everything was quite besides some leaves crunching caused be me. I was by the HUFFLEPUFF Tower when I hear some people talking. I put my hood on and walk faster. "Hey!Wait", I hear a voice say. I turn around and they see me. SHIT. "Look who it is", one of the Hufflepuffs says. "It's the daddy's boy", the second boy says. I cringe at that name and walk faster. All of a sudden I am pinned against the wall facing 3, eight year hufflepuffs. "Look at Malfoy looking vulnerable", the third boy says. I try to pull away but since I am very Very skinny, they are much stronger than me. "Let me go", I say with my voice much lower than I had hoped. They simply laughed before they punched me in my face. They continued punching my face until I probably had a broken nose and blood spilling out of my mouth. They finally dropped me to the floor. "You killed my sister you death eater", the first boy said before they all walked away. I was bleeding a lot but I had to get out if there. I gripped the wall and helped myself stand up. The 8th year dorms are not that far so it was a close walk. I still had to hold onto the wall before I quietly said the common room password. No one was in the common so I sat down on the couch. Ot was about 8 by then an I was tired and hungry. So, I layer down on the couch and let darkness creep into my mind.

Guys.... I updated again. I like this chapter and I will be putting the next chapter up really soon. Also, before Harry and Draco date, would you guys want to see Draco and Blaise in a relationship or Neville and Draco in a relationship or should I write a separate book on them. Please let me know. Thank you guys for reading, I am so thankful for you all and I love you guys so much ❤ 💗

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