Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

It was pretty late at night but I couldn't sleep. There was just to many thoughts going on in my head. I had to share a dorm with Malfoy, he has changed quite a lot. He is quite and hangs out with Luna, Neville, and Zabini. Which is a bit confusing but none of them seem bothered. Also, he is quite and flinches a lot which worries me a bit. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door creak open.

I turned my head and saw Malfoy entering. It was dark so I just saw the outline of his body. So, I got up out of bed and I walked towards him. He stayed still, so I turned on the lamp and gasped. His porcelain skin was now bloody and had bruises on his face making his warm pale skin, have blue, purple, and yellow all over his skin. His robes where removed so you can see his jumper was bloody as well as his trousers. He looked down to the floor and I snapped out of my thoughts. I rushed to him quite fast which made him flinch and fall to the floor. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

Draco's Pov
He picked me up but I couldn't help but punch his chest trying to push him off. But, he just pulled me closer to his chest. "P-please d-don't hurt m-me", I said on the verge of tears. "Hey, Hey I'm not gonna hurt you", Harry said trying to calm be down. With those words O started sobbing. I kept on telling myself Malfoys are not supposed to cry but I couldn't stop. I just sobbed on his shoulder like a big baby while he just held me in his arms.

After what seemed like forever of me sobbing and him cleaningmy face and healing it , my sobs become tears thrashing down my cheek to just my lip quivering. I looked down ashamed and tried to get out of his arms. "Are you okay",Harry said questioning me. "I'm fine", I said harshly trying to put on my Malfoy Mask. He looked a little hurt but just told me "We should go to sleep, it's like 2 in the morning". I looked down ashamed that he saw me sobbing and I made him wake up. I nodded my head a little and a little smile appeared on his face. He helped me up which hurt a lot. I winced and he looked worried. I just assured him I was okay.

"Take off your jumper", he said. I looked scared thinking he was gonna touch me like my father had done. He looked confused and quickly said "just so I can see if there are any cuts or bruises". I just nodded my head no and said the blood was just from my face. He nodded yes and went to his side of the room. "Are you sure you're okay", Harry asked. I just nodded yes and he smiled. "Goodnight Draco", he said. I was shocked that he said my name. "Goodnight ", I said. I didn't know if I should call him Potter or Harry so I just didn't call him anything. He smiled and layer down in his bed. I did the same and just layer still on my bed. My body still hurt like hell but I knew if he saw he would take me to the Hospital Wing and I didn't deserve to go there. I layer there in my thoughts for a couple minutes before dozing off to sleep. There was nightmares but they where not that bad surprisingly so I got quite a good night sleep.

Heyy, I told you guys I would update and I did. Once again, I am so thankful for you guys and love you guys so much. I will be updating again but I am starting school on Tuesday so I might be a little busy but I will for sure be updating soon. Thanks for reading this chapter and until next time...goodbye ✌✌

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