Chapter 30

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Harry and Draco have resumed school for about a month now. They were happier than before even after Lucius dropped for a horrible visit. School was doing good and there was only about 2 months left of Hogwarts before 8th year has finished. Harry and Draco's relationship has been going strong and Draco and Hermione constantly hang out to study. He still hangs out with Luna, Blaise, and Neville though.

"Love, get ready", Harry says smiling. Draco nodded but stopped. "What for", Draco said raising his eyebrow. "So we can go see Fred and George", Harry said smiling. Draco just put on a fake smile. "The only Weasley that likes me beat me up at first", Draco thought in his head. Draco just nodded and hopped in the shower so they could get ready and leave.

~•~•~ Time Skip ~•~•

As Harry knocked on the Twins room, they were greeted by two grinning gingers. "Hello", Fred said before George said "Harry". Harry waved and Fred's attention was snapped to Draco standing behind Harry. "Oh, Hello Draco", Fred said smiling nudging George's side. George just smiled and waved. Draco just waved, body stiff. "Come on in", George said opening the door wider.

As the four boys entered the room Fred took Draco's wrist and pulled him to the side while George and Harry were talking. As Fred took Draco to the closet, Draco began panicking. His breathing quickened and his heart was racing.

"What are your intentions with Harry", Fred said venom dripping from his voice.

"Nothing, I promise", Draco said looking down to his feet not daring to meet Fred's eyes.

"Look at me", Fred said, a bit more calm but still threatening.

Draco didn't dare met his eyes, his eyes began watering and filling up with tears.

"Draco", Fred said calmer. Yet Draco still didn't budge.

"Shit, hey I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't hurt Harry, he's like a brother to me", Fred said with a sad smile.

"I won't hurt him I promise", Draco said taking a deep breath and looking up.

"Turn around", Draco said and Fred did as he said.

As Fred turned around, Draco quickly wiped his eyes and fixed how he looked.

"There", Draco said with a calm voice. Fred did as he said and smiled. Fred opened the closet door and smiled

"Sorry about going all hard on you, just protective", Fred said shrugging.

"It's fine, I get you", Draco said.

As the two boys walked over to where Harry and George were talking, Harry just looked Draco up and down, doing the same for Fred. Draco just scoffed in a joking manner.

"Calm down Love, no need to be jealous, I don't love anyone but you", Draco said in Harry's ear making the boy shiver.

"I'm not, I just you guys took long", Harry said in a bitter voice making Draco chuckle.

"Shut up, he just wanted to talk about me not hurting you and stuff", Draco said in a softer voice.

"Alright, let's leave so we can go get some butterbeer with the twins ", Harry said and Draco nodded.

~•~ Time Skip ~•~•

As the twins and Harry drank there 2nd butterbeer, Draco was already in his 5th Firewiskey and was pretty tipsy.

"Harryyyyyyy, I'm tired", Draco said in a childlike tone making the twins snicker.

"We're leaving already love", Harry said taking out his money and paying for the drinks.

"Woahhhhhhh, you guys look alike", Draco said to the twins, eyes bulged out.

The twins burst out laughing and Harry was chuckling under her breath. Draco just huffed and pouted.

"Aww, don't cry Draco", Fred said in a joking manner.

"Malfoys don't cry, it's weak and pathetic", Draco said raising his head high before stumbling over to Harry's lap.

The twins stopped chuckling for a second. Why would Draco think like that?

"Who told you that?", George said raising his eyebrow.

"Father, It's true though, nothing but a worthless Fag", Draco said with a sad chuckle, while the twins and Harry's face was straight and stern.

"Don't think like that ", Harry said grabbing Draco's waist and helping him walk as they began walking in the alleyway back to Hogwarts.

"Yeah Mate, seems messed up ain't it", Fred said ans George just nodded in agreement.

"M'tired, carry me", Draco said before stopping with no sign of moving.

Harry just smiled and nodded as he picked Draco up carrying him bridal style and chuckling as Draco wrapped his arm around Harry's neck.

While the boys continued walking, Draco did not remember anything else because within seconds he was knocked out.

Hi yall, long time no see. This chapter has been pretty short but I'm updating again. I really like this book but maybe in a couple chapters it will be the end. I haven't decided yet, so maybe or maybe not, probably not though cause I love this book. Anyways thanks for like 4k. I love you guys and am so thankful. Thank you guys, live y'all and until next time 🐍 💚 🐍 💚

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