Year 7 Quidditch try outs

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There's something almost poetic about falling. Not falling in love of some crap like that, but actually, literally falling. Dropping out of the sky and speeding towards almost certain death. Nothing else will make you feel so alive. The irony in the whole situation is beautiful to say the least. The thing that will most certainly kill you, being the thing that gives life like nothing else can. 

Now if only the same could be said for equally deadly situations, such as potions class. Sure one might argue that Snape has never actually been responsible for the death of a student, but I'm telling you, if looks could kill......

"Waters, what is it you think you're doing?" Speak of the Devil. 

"Taking notes?" I say as deadpan as possible. Emotionless seams to get you further in this class then passionate. Especially if what you are passionate about is your hatred for the teacher. Fortunately for me Snape moves on to harass the next table with his presence. 

"There is nothing I hate more then double potions." I tell my best friend, Frank, when the class is finally over. "And on a monday morning? It's like someones Idea of a bad joke." 

"Look on the bright side." Frank says. "We have defense against the dark arts later and aren't Quiddich tryouts this week." 

"It's only a bright side if I make the team." I sigh as we make our way toward the DADA classroom.  

"Don't be so modest. Of corse you'll make the team. Cedric would be daft not to want you." 

"Yah, well let's just get this class over with and then we'll see about Quidditch." We take our place next to each other in Lockheart's classroom. This is a class we share with the Griffindor's and shortly after we take our seats my sister, Caroline, enters and takes a seat in front of us. 

"Hey, Pen, Frank." She greets us. "Good first weekend?" 

"We spent the weekend together you bumble." I role my eyes.

"Oh yah." 

Defense against the Dark arts has gone badly down hill since my first year is all I'm going to say. Two years ago we had that psycho who carried he who must not be named around with him and last year- well let's just say that we where made to do a 'how much you know about Gilderloy Lockheart' test in our first week. 

Fortunately this year we had Professor Lupin whom I must say is one of the nicest people I've ever met and managed to make class entreating for all. 

"I don't want to sound ungrateful or insensitive, but I'm glad Lockheart lost his memory. Lupin is brilliant ." Frank whispers once we are dismissed. 

"I, for one, am ungrateful and insensitive towards Lockheart." Caro states before running off to join her Griffindor friends. Frank and I watch her throw an arm around Danielle Pace, a girl who started at Hogwarts the same year as us but got horribly sick least year and started her sixed year a week ago after missing it the year previous. 

"Library?" Frank asks after dinner. "We could get a head start on our homework." I can't help but laugh at her words. Frank has never been the best at time management and always finishes her work in the last possible minute which is surprising, considering her better then average grades.  Two year ago she got three whole owls more then myself, which if I'm honest isn't really difficult to accomplish, but still. 

"I'm serious. I'm trying to work on a better managing my time." 

"Okay then." I say. "Library." 

As expected neither of us got any work done. Frank found herself a book on facts about the arthurian legends that are unknown to muggles  which we spent a grate deal of time reading together.

"I always knew as a Kid that it was all real. Merlin and Arthur and all that." I mumble though a yawn.

"I think we better get back and catch some sleep. You have to prove to Cedric tomorrow that you deserve to be on the Quidditch team again." 

The next day was dull as usual.  History of magic which is the best time and place for doodling if you ask me, Divination which if you ask me is about as legit as the theory that Paul McCartney is dead and Transfiguration which is interesting enough but always leaves my brain fried from the complete concentration it requires. 

When finally I had no more classes I waited for Frank to come out of Muggle Studies so that we could walk to the Quidditch Pitch together. 

"You sure you don't want to try out?" I ask her. "You never know, you might make it." 

"Nah." She replied with a smile. "Quidditch was always your thing. I'm satisfied with my nose in a book." 

"Whatever makes you happy." 

"Waters." I hear Cedric call me as he walks out of the Changing rooms. "I hope you're here to try out as a beater." 

"I have one more years at Hogwarts and I intend to play this years. If you'll have me." 

"Simply play as you always do today and I promise you'll make the team." 

So play like I always do is what I did. When I'm flying it's as if nothing else matters. Noting. Nothing at all. All that matters is that I hit the bludger. I do try to not hit anyone with the bludger, even if they are on the opposite team but if I can scare the Quaffle out of a Slitherin Chasers grips then I'll do my best to accomplish it. 

Once the tryouts where over, I was drenched in enough sweat to fill a bathtub. 

"On this years team:" Cedric's voice booms. "Preece, Macavoy, Applebee, Waters, Rickett and Fleet. My apologies to those who did not make it, every one of you played well today." 

Trying not to seam to exited I thank Cedric and walk towards Frank who waits for me on the side of the pitch. 

"You made it." She squeals and I loos all composure. I pull her into a huge hug and lift her off the ground. The hight difference makes this quite easy. 

"Oh I'm so sorry." I say once I put her back down. I've covered you in my sweat." 

"Don't worry about it. You made the team. I told you you would." 

I laugh with joy. "Yes I made it. This calls for celebration. Come on, I've got sweets in my trunk." I grab her hand a pull her towards the Hufflepuff common room and we almost make it, however after speeding around one corner I run full on against Oliver Wood who was carrying a book which I recognized as 'Quidditch though the ages'. Always having been someone to scare easy I let out a little scream. 

"Waters." Wood says startled. 

"Oh my. I'm so sorry. Like so so sorry." I apologies over and over and even Frank joins in in our orchestra of 'sorries'. 

"Just like your sister aren't you." Wood jokes in his thick accent. "She's also always running into things."

 "I'm sorry." I say once more feeling genuinely bad about not looking where I was going. 

"Don't worry about it. I'll see you on the quidditch pitch." 

"Yah see yah." I say and quickly pull Frank away. Once I think we are out of hearing range we both burst into laughter. 

"Well that was embarrassing." I can't stop myself from giggling. "Did you hear my scream?" 

"Didn't you fancy him in second year?" Frank asks bringing back memories of my pre pubescent crush.

"Ew, yah. Let's please not dwell on that." 

"Why not he's charming enough. And quite a looker." She teased and I could only role my eyes. 

"When the day comes that my mind is not full of Quidditch and water sports then I'll make sure to consider Wood. It's not as if there are many other candidates." 


"Oh my word." I squeal for the x number of times today. "Did someone live up to your high standards?" 

"No." Frank says though I know she's not being 100% truthful. I don't want to push her though, not tonight at least, so I just wink as continue our journey to the common room. 

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