A whole lot of school work

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I vaguely remember Oliver wakening me and telling me it was time to go to bed. Proper bed. I also think one of the twins made a joke. Something along the lines of 'Oliver is so dull any girl he's with falls asleep.' I think I would have said something but I was pretty darn tired. 

To be honest I'm not entirely sure how I got back into the Hufflepuff tower but somehow I must have managed because I wake up in my bed. It's not even that I was all that drunk. I was just really exhausted and I'm not even sure why. 

My head hurts a little, not too much but enough for me to regret the previous night. Not to mention that there are about a million other reasons for me to regret last night. I feel like I need to send Oliver an apology in the mail or something of that sort. 

I mean come on, Penny, did you have to attack him face with yours? I groan into my pillow before forcing myself to get up and shower. I wash all the smell of alcohol and impurity out of my hair and off of my body. 

I take some time to stand in front of the mirror completely naked, before getting dressed, which is something that I often do and also the reason why none of the other girls enter the bathroom with out knocking. And all of a sudden I feel like I need to make a change. 

I've felt this once before and I'm not sure where exactly it comes from but I do know the last time this happened, in third year, I ended up dying my hair pink. Not with one of those temporary sleeps that people use during Quidditch games but permanently. I ended up walking around with a pink head for the remainder of the year and I actually really liked it. 

This time around I don't really want to do anything that drastic. But I still want to do something so I grab a pair of scissors and cut all my hair of below my neck. I've never really had short hair and nor have any of my sisters so this is a first. I also don't make an effort to make it perfect which gives it this look that I kind of like. 

I get quite a lot of compliments over the next few days, including one from Oliver after I apologies to him multiple times about getting so......pushy, but I'm sure the compliments would have been much more appreciated if I didn't always receive them whilst my face was in a book.

It's actually ridiculous how much work I'm doing. I've never focused this much on school work, ever. Not even when I had to make a 3 hour presentation in Biology back in year 5 (at muggle school). We later found out that the teacher didn't really know what he was doing and the stuff I had to present was way over my year and even then I didn't work half as much as I am now. 

I'm barley reading for fun, barley joking around with Fran and Cedric, I haven't seen Caro in days, I barley see Oliver and most devastatingly, I barley have time to fly. 

Considering all that I'm actually kind of relieved when the NEWTS come around. Not because we have to do them and they're difficult as hell but because it means I'm finally able to take a break from all this. 

If I'm completely honest the house in which we work on out NEWTS are the worst. There is nothing scarier then sensing everyones fear while you work. And all that in total silence. It's ridiculous. The entire time my palms are sweaty and my stomach is doing all sorts of funky things I'd rather it didn't do. 

And then, when it's finally over I'm the happiest person to ever happy. I hug everyone. Everyone. I don't care if I don't know them too well, I hug them anyhow. And I congratulate everyone on having survived that. 

When Justin Finch-Fletcher comes up to congratulate me I pick him up and spin him round. Not as smart an idea as I thought because 13 year old's aren't exactly light but I'm just so glad that it's over with even if I did terribly. 

"You're done." Cedric beams at me and I smile back like a maniac. 

"YES I AM." I hug him and tell him all about how relieved I am and how I can finally appreciate the things I couldn't before like the breeze on the back of my neck. Of course he laughs at that. 

Then there's Oliver. We congratulate each other, talk a little about how difficult each test was and then....... well let's just say there wasn't a whole lot of talking involved. We make sure to remain within the Hufflepuff locker room because I know that no one will be waltzing in there anytime soon and it's nice and private. 

"Do you not need to breath or something?" Oliver asks me a little out of breath after one of the more, for lack of a better word, vigorous snogs of the day. 

"I was on the swim team." I explain. "I can hold my breath like a pro." 

"Is there any team you weren't on?" He laughs. 

"All the ones that weren't sports teams." He laughs again and pulls me closer. 

"Sometimes I think you might be a little more obsessive then me even, which is difficult to accomplish." 

"Oh, I'm defiantly more obsessive then you even." I smirk before closing the gap between out lips once more. 

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