Bunk Beds whoop de doo.

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It's been a while since I've been on a cross border train. Hell, it's been a while since I've traveled out of my tiny little city.

"Dibs on the Top bunk." I exclaim as quickly as we step into our tiny compartment. Oliver looks at me with a clearly confused look and it takes me an embarrassingly long time to realize just why he would be confused. You see the bunks in trains are usually tucked into the wall so that you can pull them out when it's time for bed.

I can't help it, I start to laugh. "The Bunks come out of the wall." I explain trying to keep it together. I'm not sure why this makes me laugh so much but all of a sudden I'm on the floor, pulled there by the weight of my backpack and finding it difficult to breathe with fits of giggles.

"What's gotten into you?" Oliver asks, smiling widely.

"No idea. I think I'm going loopy. That's the only explanation. I'm going mad and It's all you're fault Wood."

"How's it my fault?" He takes a step towards me grinning like a total mad man and reaches his hand down towards me for me to take. Natural I grab hold of his hand and pull him down onto the floor next to me. Still laughing.

"I was sane before you showed up on my doorstep and now, three days later, I'm as mad as a hatter. How isn't this your fault?"

"So maybe is it my fault." Oliver says before kissing me on the forehead. "But I'm not sorry. I like you this way. It reminds me of this girl I fell in love with in my last year at Hogwarts."

"Is that so?" I smirk up at him. "Well, you happen to remind me ofHad massive crush on Oliver Wood - watched everything with - wait. You thought I was crazy?"

Olivet starts to laugh. Like full on mental laughter. I've never heard him laugh this much before. The only explanation is that tHad massive crush on Oliver Wood - watched everything with here's something in the air. That also explains why I was  cracking up over bunk beds.

"Maybe a little." He admits and I give him an irritated look. "But I like that about you. I like that you have this happy, innocent child like quality to you that may come off as a little crazy."

Suddenly my mood changes. "You mean 'I had'."

"No." He shakes him head and looks at me with what I think must be admiration. "I mean 'you have'. I know the quirky girl who says 'sorry' to much and thinks that a 'please' should be the ultimate magic word and thinks that flying is the ultimate bliss is still in there somewhere."

"Well I wish she'd hurry up and come back." I groan pushing myself off of the floor.

"Shes trying. I can see her when I look you in the eyes, I hear her in your laugh, I feel her when we touch."

"Well damn, Wood." I attempt at a joke. "You could be a poet if your Quidditch carrier doesn't work out." I should have been smiling or something while the words slipped past my lips. But like I said. My mood had changed.
"I spent some time with your family before they went into hiding. Mate is an articulate lad. I think some of him rubbed off on me."

Oliver met my family. Oliver met my family and I wasn't there holding on to his hand like the proud owner of something fantastic. I wasn't there to introduce him to them. I

I can just picture Moira's smile when shaking his hand and Mateo's initial shyness which would only too soon be exchanged for non stop talking. I can see my Dads exchanging looks saying 'he looks like a respectable young lad, let's hope he doesn't give us reason to think otherwise'.

A sudden pang of regret hits me when i realize that my imagination is all I have at this point because they did meat and I missed it.

"How are they? Is Moira still seeing Dan?" I ask. Damn, I've been out of the loop. How did I let this happen?

"No. They broke up. I was there the day it happened."

Huh. Moira and Dan. Broken up. I was so sure they where going strong. They had me believing that they where the perfect couple. I guess I was wrong.

"Does nothing last?" It wasnt a question I expected to get an honest answer too. What i was expecting was 'sure things last.' What I got was "No. I don't think anything does."

They where heavy words. Somber words. Honest words. I don't like it. Oliver isn't meant to say things like that. He's meant to say things like: "Go team! Hit harder! You call that a pass?" I guess you-know-who's return affected all of us.

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