Never let you go

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- Shizusumi -

I stare at the man that kept on following us and the man who kept glaring at me since we boarded the train. I may have not know him, but seeing his glare at me must mean he's known Haruma. Just thinking of him having to do Haruma made my heart skip a beat.

Having enough, I dragged him into an alleyway. He tried to tell me something, about his apartment around the corner but shut him off as I slammed my lips into his. How long I've wanted this. He tried to resist and push me away but I pushed him into the wall to lessen his movements, which it did.

Later on, he gave up and give in to the kiss, kissing me back but he doesn't seem to notice it himself. Our lips synced as I put my leg in-between his before breaking the kiss for air.

"What are you doing Shizu?" He asked panting. I gave him space as I look him in the eye before dropping my head at his shoulder.

"Sorry, I was just overwhelmed. You left, Yuki left, Hiiragi won't bother looking at me either. Now you're here, I was overwhelmed." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"You... Liked Aniki didn't you?" I smiled, lifting my head and putting our foreheads against each other, staring at him.

"I did, but before him I-" I tried to tell him how I feel but a voice interrupted us.

"What do you think you're doing?" Turning my attention towards the sources, I frown my brows as my eyes met his. It was the man that kept sending glares at me.

"What do you think you're doing with Haruma?" Ah... My guess was right. He did know Haruma after all. I stared at Haruma, his face held confusion before facing the stranger.

"What a coincidence Ugetsu-san, what brings you here?" He asked with irritation making me lift a brow at them.

'What could be his relationship with Haruma?'

"I recalled you told me you were busy? Is this it? You could've told me you were meeting your boyfriend." The man, Ugetsu as Haruma called him, marched his way towards us, stopping in front of Haruma.

"And why would you be mad at me? I didn't do anything wrong. And besides, why get mad because I didn't meet you a while ago if you have a boyfriend to go out with." I stare at the two of them getting more and more confused at the situation.

"Ah, you mean Kenshi? He was just a boy toy." Once said, my head snapped at him as I can slowly feel my blood boil in disgust. A laugh interrupted my line of thought.

"Ah, a boy toy. Then does that make me your boy toy too?" Haruma asked in amusement, wiping some tears from laughing. The man before us didn't utter a word after Haruma's outburst. I saw Haruma impatiently waiting for the other to respond but gave up and chuckled.

"Guess I've been assuming things. Was it fun? Did you enjoy your time messing with me?" Haruma kept asking, but Ugetsu didn't even bulge.

"Tell me Ugetsu-san, how many of us did you use? Who was the first one?" Haruma closed the gap between them, bitterness lingering in every word he spoke. We waited until he muttered.

"That night, my actions were genuine."

"BULLSHIT!" I saw him flinch, so did I. I have never seen Haruma this mad since Hiiragi broke his book before, and it wasn't a good sight.

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