We Can't Change That

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I silently watch from the crown as Haruma exit the stage. Aito had invited me to watch their performance and insisted I show up. I wasn't planning to really, just seeing my now only child hurts.

He's suffered enough from the loss of his older brother yet what did I do? Add salt to the wound. I chuckled to myself, hand on my face as I shook my head.

'What a terrible mother I am.'

Once again the lights turned bright, another band was on stage. I stared at the band as they performed their song. As I was watching I felt someone stand right beside me, I think Aito.

I stood there in silence, not really knowing what to say. We silently watch, not bothering to start a conversation, which is rather odd since Aito can be rather talkative. Glancing at my side, my eyes widened to see it wasn't Aito. Our eyes met as he sent me a smile.

"Been a while Ka-san." He scooted closer as someone from his band went to stand beside him, one of the twins. I looked away in guilt, trying to focus my attention at the band in the stage.

"Why are you here?" I asked, loud enough for him to hear but not loud for his bandmate to hear. I heard him sigh, humming along the song.

"Is it wrong to watch Mafuyu's performance with my mother? Do you want me to leave? Do I disappoint you that much to the point you don't even want me to be near you?" He asked, sadness visible in his words. I decided to look at him, eyes wide in disbelief as I felt my tears threatening to fall.

"I mean, yes I know I disappointed you. It was normal for a mother to be disappointed to their child somehow. But despite what you did, you're still my mother. We can't change that." As he said those words, a smile on his face while facing front, I can't help but let my tears fall down my face.

"I- you. I can never be disappointed. In fact, I should be ashamed. I've been a terrible mother, both to you and your brother." I held a sub, feeling some eyes on me. I hid my face in my hands and I heard murmurs around us. As I try to hold in my tears, arms wrapped around me.

"Not really, you're just bossy that's all." I heard Haruma whisper making me chuckle. I wiped my tears before wrapping my arms around him, my face buried at his chest.

'My son grows too fast I think I might cry again.'

"Come on, my shirt's gonna get wet. I'm wearing a grey shirt Ka-san." He whined followed by a small hurt noise. Looking up to the side, I saw one of the twins had somehow hit him in the head since he was rubbing the place.

"You don't have to hit me that hard Ao-san." He grumbled, letting go completely. The one who hit him, Ao as he called him, sent him a glare before smiling at me.

"Ignore your son, he can be rude at times." Haruma protested only to be hit in the gut. I held a laugh, wiping the remaining tears as they both stopped.

"I'm really sorry you have to keep up with that. My boy don't know human language."

"Ka-san!" Both Ao and I share a laugh, Haruma just stood there with a smile before turning out attention to the stage.

'I'm glad we're alright.'


I was actually scared mom wouldn't even talk to me. It's been a while since we've chatted like this. I focused my attention to the stage just in time Taka-san's band finished. Cheers erupted through the crowd as they waved goodbye before leaving the stage.

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