You Idiot

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- Mafuyu -

I looked down from my phone to the building before me. I received a call from Saeko-san, said they had a fight yesterday and sent me his address. Walking up with a plastic in hand, I frown, possibilities of what he'll probably look like flashing inside my head. Shaking my thoughts away, I saw the door to his apartment. I knocked seven times and waited for a response but no one answered.

Knocking again, this time barking erupted just behind the door. Worry start to arise, making me knock louder. After recieving another bark from the other side of the door, I turned the door knob and the door opened. Looking at it with confusion, I opened the door to be greeted by Sho with a white kitten.

'What was he thinking, leaving the door open?'

I went further inside, trembling in fear and nervousness, the scene oddly familiar. I searched his room but found no one, the kitchen, living room, laundry, even the bathroom, no one. After looking around and double checking each, I released a sigh I didn't know I've been holding before taking out my phone.

Dialing his number, I tap my fingers on the table, waiting for him to answer. Once hearing the familiar sound on the phone, I immediately asked where he was but a different voice answered.

"He called me yesterday noon, he asked if he can come over. He's asleep right now, probably tired from all the crying. Are you his friend?"

Brows furrowed at the unknown voice and as to why Haruma is at someone's house aside mine, I thanked the man after asking his condition before hanging up. Huffing in frustration, I put the strawberry milk and chocolate bars in the fridge, hoping he'll see it once he returns. I can't pick him now since I'll be going out with Uenoyama-kun. After giving Sho and the kitten food, I waved them goodbye, locking the door to his apartment after checking if his key is hanging in the middle of his plant.

'Seriously, from all the hiding spots, it has to be in the middle of the plant, hanging.'

- Ugetsu -

I stare at Haruma's sleeping form. After he called yesterday, I picked him up and brought him to my hotel room, the one I'm staying at every time I have a concert in 2 days. I remembered the look on his face, his non-stop crying, chanting 'it hurts' over and over again.


I lie on the bed with Haruma in my arms as he cried his heart out. I'm not good at comforting people and this is the only way I can think of. It hurt me somehow, seeing him in a state like this one. Despite the situation he's in, he's so warm, he fitted right in my arms I can't help but smile.

"Ugetsu-san." He called out to me. Humming in response, I looked down, examining his features. His puffy red eyes, pink nose, a pink tink on his cheeks and his naturally pink lips. Those things alone can drive any man crazy.

'Not just any man, I'm glad he called me instead of Akihiko'

Lifting his chin up to face me, we stared at each other before closing the gap between us. Pulling away, the pink tint on his cheeks now turned into a dark shade of red.

"Ugetsu-san, wha-" I silenced him with another kiss, getting in between his legs as I hovered over him.

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