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As the song came to an end, the crowd erupted into cheers, compliments thrown at the performers left and right. Haruma stared at the crowd before him with an unknown smile, a familiar sensation on his chest. He knows it, yet, he failed to pinpoint what kind of sensation he's feeling.

"I'm right here..."

Haruma's face exploded red for the ninth time in total of four days. Ever since what happened between him and a certain 'grown up' as he put it, he loses focus fast. This didn't go unnoticed by both Aotsuki and Haruki.

There would be times he'll talk to himself and stop, only if he shouted at himself. He blush in a flash every time he was pulled out from his thoughts and it's making them worry, especially Mafuyu.

There was one time Mafuyu had to smack him in the head for him to listen. A shiver ran down Haruma's spine just thinking of Mafuyu's terrifying face.

Walking down the stage, all three college students eyed their youngest in worry. He may have been fine during the performance, but they know something kept distracting him. Tsukihi reached out his hand to pull yet again Haruma from his thoughts when a middle aged man appeared out of nowhere.

"Hello." Instantly, Haruma halted and stared at the unknown man before him before greeting him back with a smile.

"Hello sir, how may we help you?" Aotsuki asked, bowing before him. The man smiled and mentioned them to follow. All four of them looked at each other in suspicion but followed otherwise. As they walked further out the venue, Haruma swore he spotted a familiar face but payed it no mind and continued walking.

After minuets of walking, they reached a three storey building. It was of simple design with a giant 'ハニカ' meaning 'Hanika'. They guessed it was the building or company's name. Once the man skid to a halt, so did they. It was a large room, a desk with an office chair behind it, two single sofas, before it was a coffee table and a long sofa.

"Please do sit!" He said cheerfully before sitting at the single sofa across the long one. Haruma sat at the left edge, next to him was Aito while Tsukihi took the other edge, leaving Aotsuki beside Aito. They sat and stared at the man before them, smiling brightly like a ball of sunshine. But despite this, all teen-agers are nervous.

"I'm Nanahara Keisuke, the owner and manager of Hanika. I do apologize for the sudden request, but I've set my eyes on your band since you performed a month ago." The man, Nanahara said giving his business card which Aotsuki accepted.

"My subordinates and I talked about this since the last appearance of our artist Mika. Since Hanika is a Music company, we've been scouting promising bands ever since. You do know what I'm trying to say, yes?"

The man asked with hope filled eyes as he waited for them to respond. The four looked at each other, knowing well what they have to answer. The twins locked eyes before they looked at the other two before giving them a nod.

"We're honoured for such offer,  we've also talked about this before." Aito smiled, fondling with his fingers, a sign that he's nervous.

"But we have to refuse." Tsukihi finished, earning a confused and dejected look from the said man whose hopes are crushed.

"Refuse? Is there anything that you don't like?" He asked. Maybe what he did was suspicious? The reason why they refused his offer?

"It's not like that Nanahara-san. We've been through this before our performance today. Truth to be told, this was supposed to be our last performance before we part ways." Aotsuki have him a smile as he steal a glance at their youngest.

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