Next Meal

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- Haruma -

I shift in my seat, uncomfortable from the tension radiating from our bassist and leader and from a prodigy guitarist. I hung my head low as they kept on shooting death glares at each other.

What happened? It was simple really.

Aito-san told us he'll treat us to a nearby yakiniku as an apology to his actions. It was peaceful at first, until Tsukihi-san spotted them and started rambling non-stop about a certain guy.

"Nii-san, stop that. You're embarrassing yourself!" Aotsuki whispered to his brother who was beside him but that didn't stop him, not even a bit. A sigh escaped my lip as both groups try to calm the two down, the other side having Haruki-san and Mafuyu calm Uenoyama-san down.

"Aren't you going to help calm Tsukihi-san down?" I asked the college student sitting by my side, happily eating the meat, not fazed by the commotion.

"Why? This happens all the time. Tsukihi can't accept the fact that someone was better than Aotsuki. He just loves his little brother so much." He explained before going back to what he was doing before. I forced a laugh at his comment as his words drift to my mind as I took a meat and plopped it inside my mouth.

"Yeah, he loves him too much..." I took another piece in my mouth as I block their conversation, thoughts from the past rushing back in.

You know that feeling that you thought you already forgot it, you are ready to let go and leave the past but it comes back what ever you do? It's frustrating. Basically, everything around me reminds me of him.

How I wish that one day, I could wake up with amnesia.

- Akihiko -

I ate my food in silence, not caring about Ue-sama and Ki fighting over a simple thing. I stare at the other sitting beside their drummer, the one that was hanging his head low. I watch how he just stared at his food before facing Kimura as they exchanges words, a short laugh escaped his lips before looking down again with a sad frown.

"Well that was..." I muttered to myself. Normally I wouldn't care, but that frown, I've seen those kind of frowns. I know too well. I continued to watch as he eat, not even bothering to lift his head a bit or move his body, well, except his right arm.

"hiko. Oi, Akihiko!" I was pulled back from reality when I felt Haruki punch my shoulder. I turned to his direction with a bored face making him flinch.

"D-don't stare at Ruma-kun like he's you're next meal! That's scary!" He exclaimed, a terrified look on his face as Mafuyu and Uenoyama nodded. I smirked and looked back at the boy to see him looking back at me.

"Well I don't see a problem with that. He can be my meal now if he wants." The said boy tilted his head at me while I saw both Aito and Aotsuki try their best holding Ki back.

"You nasty playboy, don't corrupt our kohai's mind!" Ki exclaimed in anger as he showed me his fist.

"I don't mind." We all stopped and looked at him, except Mafuyu who just narrowed his eyes on him.

"You're not going to be Kaji-san's next meal." He told him with a threatening voice, scolding him while the other just shrugged.

"My mind has always been corrupted anyways, mind as well agree to it." We stared at him in disbelief as Ki started sobbing about their kohai that shouldn't 'corrupted' and should stay 'innocent'.

"Then, let's exchange numbers!" I exclaimed, stretching my hand out for him to hand his phone which he pulled out and handed it to Aotsuki who glared at me before giving me his phone.

"Akihiko you... I don't know what to do with you anymore." Haruki sighed, shoving a piece of meat in his mouth, Uenoyama doing the same while Mafuyu sent death glares at the said boy who stare blankly at him.

"Stop glaring Mafuyu, you'll look older fast." I typed my number before handling it back. I wasn't serious with the 'meal' thing at first to be honest, just want to lighten that mood of his. Though he's fine being my meal, I suppose I can't say no to that now can I?

After returning his phone, a small buzz came from my pocket. I checked to confirm it was him and it was indeed him. Grinning, I put my phone back and began eating meat once again.

『Time Skip』
- Haruma -

"Sorry for the intrusion." I removed my shoes as I stare at the stairs leading down Akihiko-san's house. I wouldn't lie, for someone who said he's broke, this is a nice house.

"Thank you for having me over. And I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable that time." I said as I went down after him.

"Don't sweat it, I'll be taking a quick bath so make yourself comfortable." He grabbed a pair of clothes and headed to the bathroom. I wandered around the room. A fridge, coffee table, his drums, bed and counter. It was pretty simple and it's nice. Not to mention the paint on the walls are gray, it makes it even cooler.

I sat on the bed still looking around when something shifted. I looked back to see who or what it was but a hand made it's way to my left, dragging me down making me lie on the bed, facing the other side.

"Let's stay like this for a while." He whispered into my ear, shivers running down my spine as I felt my face starting to burn. Just as I was about to say something, the bathroom door swung open, revealing a shirtless Akihiko with a towel on his head. His lazy eyes stared at me before closing his eyes with a sigh.

"Let the kid go Ugetsu." The man behind me, Ugetsu, chuckled before making me turn his way. My light blue eyes meeting his light brown ones. He sent a smile towards me before sitting up.

"I see you decided to bring someone home." He chuckled, standing up before walking to the bathroom, not waiting for the other male respond.

"Don't mind him. He's a housemate, he owned this." He sat down beside me, handing me a cup of coffee.

"Okay, thank you." I accepted the cup and bowed slightly, taking a sip of the black coffee after. We sat in silence, enjoying the calming silence that rested in the room. Well, I can't really tell if he's enjoying it but I do. I took another sip of coffee just in time Ugetsu-san came out.

He stared at us for a good minute before deciding to sit on my other side. Once again, no one uttered a word, and I didn't dare take a sip of coffee because I know I'll make a sound I'll regret later due to its hot temperature.

"Name, young man?" Ugetsu-san whispered softly, facing up as he place his hands behind him for support.

"Yoshida Haruma, nice to meet you Ugetsu-san."

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