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Okay, so... I have been inactive for almost 3 months ―or is it 4? I don't know anymore but... Yeah that long.
And I want to apologize for not giving you a heads up for that.
Finals was around the corner that time so my schedule was tight.
But that was, a week or two ago and school ended so I'll be able to focus on continuing this story and make up for the weeks *months* I missed.

That aside, I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters!


Recalling what happened ―or was it― what supposedly happened, Haruma remembered talking to him about the accidents Ugetsu was in.


Haruma stood before Akihiko as he held a solemn look, hands clenched to his side while trying to avoid his gaze.

"C―can you repeat that?" His voice quivered as he took a step forward, praying he heard him wrong.

"Ugetsu, he― was in a car accident on the way h―home. Police said the Driver admitted it was his fault for using his smartphone on the rode. He d―didn't survive b―because of blood loss."

He dropped down as tears cascaded, blurring his sight and the looks of people giving him.

"H―he's g―gone?"


He remembered Akihiko giving him directions to where his grave lies, which led him here.

But what he saw was no grave.

Tears stream down his face at the sight before him. He had been in his apartment for almost a day after that as he tried processing what had occurred, only to find out it didn't really happen.

The rest of that day he didn't eat, blaming himself for the loss of the guy. He refuses to let anyone inside his place, in fear that everything was real. But right now, no matter how much he was relieved, overjoyed, he was puzzled as to why it has to come to why he saw it.

Right before him, he stood with his back a bit slumped, flowers in hand as his other hand tucked inside his pocket, in a daze. He blinked plenty of times as he halted his steps, lips quivering as his hands trembles themselves as they reach out to him.

"W―hy?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth.

Ugetsu himself stopped in his tracks upon hearing the familiar voice as shivers ran down his spine. To say he was afraid, afraid that he was starting to hear things he shouldn't, but he was hopeful, hopeful that it isn't.

His hesitant eyes slowly made its way across him, not blinking once as he did. They landed on the person's black and white shoes. From there, he refuses to lift them further, stuck to whether it was a dream or not, loosing confidence.

As the person took a step forward, his eyes immediately darted from his shoes to the person's eyes.

He dropped the flowers as his eyes met familiar blue ones, those blue eyes he loves staring at. He stood there with an expression that mirrors his ―joy and fear.

"Why... I―I saw y―you... How... You― I― the other d―day―" Haruma was lost in his own words as he tried wiping the tears that continues to fall. Ugetsu never bothered picking up the fallen bouquet and took a step forward as his surroundings blurred due to the tears that was threatening to fall.

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