Cats Vs Dogs

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"Just quit, you're better off studying anyways."

A sigh escape Haruma's mouth for the eighth time since morning. Though he wouldn't admit it, his mother was right, all he was good at was studying, which also includes reading books and other stuff related to studying. Though last night was unexpected because his mother never texted nor called him for a visit. The school bell rang, signaling the end of school. He fixed his things before heading out, not wanting to stay any longer.

His feet dragged him to the train station, but his shoulder slumped from the idea of his mother waiting inside his apartment so he took a turn. After minuets of grumbling, he found himself standing in front of the building where his band practices.

'Maybe Oka-san was right after all...'

He entered the building and went for a certain door that has a number '2' on it and knocked before peaking his head in.

"Sorry for the interruption." He scanned the room, only to see the twins inside. The said twins turned their heads on the door upon hearing the familiar voice of the newcomer.

"Haruma!" The younger exclaimed in shock. He looked at his older twin with pleading eyes but shrugged it off.

"Yoshida-kun, about what I told you before..." Tsukihi trailed, stepping closer to Haruma. The said boy looked down in sadness as his words travelled through his mind, along with his mother's.

'She was right after all...'

"That was actually the reason why I am here." Haruma exclaimed, his voice tremulous as his hand balled into fist.

"You told me I was free to do whatever I want. So I'll!" There was a pause. The twins looked at the boy before them tremble as he struggle to utter the words he wants to say. He bowed his head as his vision blur from the tears that threatens to fall.

"So I'll quit the band, I mean, you told me that you could pull it off... Then I'll leave to not burden all of you more." He held his breath after, hoping no sobbing will escape his mouth and to stop the tears from falling.

"So it was aunty whom I saw following you last Saturday. I thought she had work..." The three turned to the owner of the voice and saw Aito, twirling his drum sticks on his fingers as he sat down on the chair.

"Aunty?" Haruma tilted his head on the side, confusion washing away his nervousness and doubts. Aito sheepishly laughed, scratching the back of his neck while he think of a way to explain to his three members.

"You see, I moved... No. We moved to the house next to yours half a year ago. That's when I met your mom, who was rambling about his son on his rebellious stage that moved out of the house while she water her plants. So when I learned that you were that son, I invited her to... Watch?"

The three stare at him with blank expression. There was awkward silence, none of them dared to talk as they stayed at their positions, shifting uncomfortably from time to time. Having enough of the awkwardness, Aito opened his mouth to talk when the door slammed open, revealing a panting blonde haired male.

"Sorry I'm la- oh." The said man stared at them in embarrassment and cursed to himself for barging into another band's room, mistaking it as theirs. He sensed the aura radiating from beside him and found a match. He shuddered from the look Haruma was giving him before bowing to them.

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