Playing with Fire

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- Haruma -

I sat in silence in front of the intruders, arms crossed with Sho and my new pet, Yu, beside me who's snarling at them.

"Can you please explain why you barged into my apartment without my consent? As long as I remember, I did not do anything wrong." I looked intently at the tallest male who nervously laughed.

"You see, we're in need of assistance..." He trailed, avoiding my eyes.

"Assistance with?/With what?/We do?" The rest of us chorused, looking at the tallest before looking at each other.

"Kind of, we were forming a band and was invited to perform a week from now but we just realized that-"

"We can't sing all of the lines in our song while playing." The shorter one said, while the two nodded.

"So, you need help to look for a vocalist?" I asked, petting Sho and Yu to stop snarling.

"You catch up pretty fast, what's your name?" The shortest one asked me, then it hit me.

"You came here without even knowing who I was..." I deadpanned along with the two shorter males, looking at the tallest.

"O-okay, sorry. I'm Mori Tsukihi, the leader and guitarist." He bowed and looked at his left.

"This idiot is Mori Aotsuki, my younger twin and the bassist." He pointed at the shorter male, Aotsuki.

"I'm not an idiot, you jerk!" He protests, a vein popping up.

"And the last is Kimura Aito, our drummer. Al though all of us can sing, sadly, we can't multitask." The tallest, Tsukihi explained, scratching the back of his head.

"I can help you, however, I still have school tomorrow so I can only help after classes and weekends." I said, releasing a sigh.

"Thank you! Why don't we start now? We haven't looked at this part yet, will you be okay now... Uh, you haven't introduced yourself." Tsukihi said, tilting his head at the side.

"Sorry, I'm Yoshida Haruma. Nice to meet you all." I stoop up and bowed before looking back at them.

"I'm fine with that, though I have to come home at 7." I glanced at the wall clock on my left and saw it's 5:48 already.

"That's fine! Tsuki-nii and I will ask around while you and Kimura-kun ask around this whole building. That way you'll be done fast. Is that fine?" Aotsuki said, smiling brightly.

| Time Skip |

Kimura-san and I sat at a bench near the apartment. We've asked the whole building if they knew someone who could sing and is interested in joining the band but we haven't found someone.

"Wah... And the live's in a week!" Kimura-san sighed with frustration.

"I know you'll find someone by that time. I'll also try and ask around school too." I said, looking at my phone.

"Shoot, I have to go back. Why don't the three of you have dinner at my place?"

"Eh, is it alright with you? We literally trespassed you know." He looked at me in disbelief. I smiled at him before standing up.

"It's fine. I'll head back and cook, can you tell Tsukihi-san and Aotsuki-san as well?"

"Okay, I'll be waiting for them here before we go." With that I started walking towards the building.

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