10//The Rain//10

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" Let's get this over with then" I sighed as I took the almond oil of the counter. He layed facing down on the bed after taking of his shirt. I opened the bottle and put some in my hands and walking over to the bed. I climbed onto the bed careful not to get the oil everywhere and I sat on Fred's bum one of my legs on either side of him and I started to give him a massage.

After I had massaged his back for about half an hour Mrs. Weasley shouted everyone down for dinner. " Oh thank godric that's over!" I said getting up and walking to the bathroom to wash the oils from my hands. When I walked back into his room he was getting of the bed and had no shirt on and I couldn't help but notice how good he looked. I was ripped from my thoughts when he turned around putting a shirt on and started talking but what he said didn't fully function because of the image that remained in my mind distracting me.
" Y/n!" Fred said waving a hand in front of my face, " did you hear what I said?"
" Urm no sorry what did u say?"
" it doesn't matter come on let's go downstairs" Fred said laughing and grabbing my hand leading me downstairs.

It was a normal dinner I sat next to Hermione and Ginny and talked a bit with everyone. After dinner was over molly cleaned in the kitchen and I helped. Fred and George disappeared upstairs probably working on ideas for the shop. Ginny went to take a nap , Ron Harry and Hermione all went to Ron's room. Arthur and Percy however had to return to the ministry ( Arthur and Percy had been there a lot since the quidditch World Cup). After I had finished helping in the kitchen I went upstairs to Ginny's room. It had been about two hours since dinner and I had been upstairs reading a muggle book called pride and prejudice. Ginny had been asleep and I had no idea where everyone else was. I put my book down and got changed. This is the outfit:

I walked downstairs to see where everyone was

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I walked downstairs to see where everyone was. When I got downstairs I looked at the weasleys clock and saw that Mrs. Weasley had taken Harry Hermione and Ron out. Mr weasley and Percy were still at work. I walked into the living room and saw Fred and George sat playing a game of exploding snap.
" Care to join love?"
" I'd love to". After about fifteen minutes of playing I had won twice and George three times where Fred had won none.
" I've had enough" Fred said standing up and walking into the kitchen sulking.
" Don't be a sore loser" George said getting up and starting to walk up the stairs.
" Where are you going?" I asked.
" To take a shower" and with that he left.
" Speaking of its just started raining" Fred said looking out of the window.
" Omg let's go dance in it!"
" Let's go!" Fred responded equally as excited.
" Wait really I thought you'd say no"
" Yeah come on" he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. When he opened the door it was warm because of the sun and there was a rainbow visible. I smiled up at it before running into the rain hand in hand with Fred. We started dancing and laughing in the rain splashing in the puddles. I started spinning in circles with my arms out. I stopped and closed my eyes from the dizziness and when I opened them I saw Fred holding a flower out to me.
" Here love its not as beautiful as you but I think it'll do"
" Thanks Freddie!" I said taking the flower " I love it"
I stood on my tip toes to kiss him on the cheek and started blushing while he smiled furiously back.
" Let's go back inside everyone will be back soon" I said holding out my hand for him. He took my hand and we walked back inside smiles plastered wide across both of our faces.
" race you upstairs?"
" Your on y/l/n " Fred agreed " on the count of three"
" One- "
But I had already set of running as fast as I could. Fred caught on quickly and chased after me.

Consolations : Fred weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now