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I woke up on Saturday morning to a light shining through the window and blinding me. I pulled the covers over my head and groaned.
" somebody had fun last night!" I heard the familiar voice of Fred say from the doorway. I lift the covers from my head and look at him well glare at him.
" why are you not hung over?"
" because Im not a lightweight like you I can handle it better" he replied with a smirk, " here drink this" he said handing me a bottle. I drank the bottle and immediately felt loads better.
" thanks Freddie"
" put on some clothes we're going to hogsmeade be in the common room in fifteen minutes" he said before leaving.
I peeled myself from the bed and slowly got out. My feet touched the bare floor and sent shivers through my body. I grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom. I didn't know what time it was but everyone had already left the dorm. I pull my hair into two french plaits and put on some concealer mascara bronzer blush and lip gloss after seeing the state I woke up in. I then pulled on my clothes. This is the outfit:

I left the dorm and entered the common room

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I left the dorm and entered the common room. I immediately see Fred but don't see lee or George.
" where are the others?" I asked.
Fred looked up from the parchment he was writing on and replied " finally you're ready it's been half an hour love. Lee and George got restless and already set of"
" okay let's go" I said holding my hand out for him. He eagerly got up shoving the parchment into his pocket and grabbed my hand.

We got to hogsmeade and met up with lee and George at zonkos joke shop. Fred dropped my hand and ran towards the shelves picking up loads of things immediately. I heard the door open and felt hands grab me.
" y/n we've been looking everywhere for you!" The voice of Hermione said.
" but now we've found you let's go" Ginny's added.
" where are we going?" I laughed.
" dress shopping for the Yule ball" they both said excitedly.
" guys I'm going dress shopping with gin and Hermione I'll meet u at the three broomsticks in a bit!" I said turning to the boys. They just nodded in response still looking around like little kids.
I was pulled from the shop and we headed towards the dress shop. It was a small elegant shop that was painted black and white. We entered and was met by the owner.
" it's nice to see you all again how have you been?" The small lady said from behind the counter.
" it's nice to see you to Rosie we've been great. We're looking for dresses for the Yule ball" I replied.
" the dresses are all in the back upstairs just tell me if you need anything dears"
" thanks Rosie" we all said before excitedly making our way upstairs. We got to the dresses and separated looking on different racks.
" oh gin this would look great on you!" I said pulling a navy blue dress and handing it to her.
" this is beautiful thanks y/n"

After a while of pulling dresses for each other we headed to the changing rooms.
" ready?" Hermione asked. We had all tried on our first dress and were about to show each other.
" ready!" Me and Ginny said at the same time.
We all stepped out of the rooms looking at each other's dresses.
" you both look great" I said admiring their dresses.
" thanks y/n/n but I'm not really sure about the colour of this one" Hermione said frowning at her dress. She had on a purple strapless dress that was floor length.
" I don't really like mine either" Ginny said. She was wearing a long mint green dress with a hot pink tie around her waist and pink in various places.
" but yours looks great y/n" Ginny said smiling broadly.
" don't get me wrong I think it's a nice dress I just don't think it suits me"
We all tried on several dresses after that. Hermione found her dress first it was a gold sparkly spaghetti strap dress that suited her perfectly. Then Ginny she picked a floor length champagne coloured dress that had two slits. I found mine last a gorgeous long red dress with a slit and diamonds on the straps.

We went to the till and purchased our dresses and headed for honeydukes. We looked around at some of the new sweets and chocolate there was then paid. I bought two chocolate frogs and some new selection of sweets for the boys.

When we got to the three broomsticks we saw lee Fred and George already seated drinking butterbeer.
We ordered our drinks from madam rosmerta and sat with the guys. They instantly pulled out loads of zonkos products explaining them.
" I got these for you guys" I said putting the array of sweets and chocolate on the table once they had finished explaining a wand that turned into a rubber chicken.
" thanks y/n we spent all our money in zonkos" said George excitedly.
" I guessed and your welcome"
" here we got you something!" Said Fred handing me a piece of paper.
" what's this?"
" it's ageing potion instructions"
" what's it for?"
" well we were wondering if you'd help us with it-" Fred began.
" see your the best at potions-" George added on.
" and it's our only bet at getting into the tournament" Fred finished.
" sure but only if you promise not to blame me when it backfires" they looked surprised as if they were expecting me to say no.
" thanks y/n we promise" they said together.
Madam rosmerta came over with the drinks and we all sat there talking , drinking butterbeer and eating sweets and chocolate for ages.

" it's nearly time for dinner we should head back" George said.
" yeah let's go" lee said. Everyone got up said bye to madam rosmerta and walked out of the three broomsticks. It was cold and dark outside. I walked along the long path in between Ginny and Hermione arms linked with both of theirs trying not to freeze. The three boys followed behind us and chatted amongst themselves.

After what felt like forever we got back to the common room and slumped our things down onto the sofa.
" we should get to dinner or we'll be late" said Hermione standing near the sofa.

I fell dramatically onto the sofa and shut my eyes.
" you guys go I'll just get some food from the kitchens later if I'm hungry" I said. I didn't wait for a response and fell straight asleep.

Consolations : Fred weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now