2//The Surprise//2

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Y/n POV :

Me and Ginny made our way up the stairs and as we were about to walk into Ginny's room , to catch up and talk about our summers before dinner , two hands grabbed me around my waist making me jump. I turned around to see Fred and George, Fred still holding tight onto my waist. They both mad mischievous smiles on their faces and before I could get out a word , I was being picked up and flung over Fred's shoulder. I could hear Ginny laughing as I was carried up the stairs , kicking and screaming.
" Stop it! Put me down now! Fred I swear to merlin if you don't put me down I will hex u so hard-" I was cut of when I felt my feet hit the floor again.
" What was that for?" I demanded.
" We wanted to talk to you," they said in unison extremely calmly like I hadn't just been carried up here against my will!
" You could have just asked to talk to me !" I shouted back. "Why did you feel the need to carry me?"
" More fun this way darling," Fred said with a side smirk as he winked at me. I couldn't help but blush at what he said.
" So what do u want to talk about?"
" Joke shop-" George started.
" -Ideas!" Fred finished.
" Great what have you got so far?"
" Nosebleed nought!" George started excitedly.
" Fainting fancies!" Fred continued.
" and best of all puking pastilles!"

Time skip:

" What about a portable swamp?" I suggested.
" That's a great idea" Fred said jotting it down on a piece of parchment that had all our ideas on we had actually come up with quite a lot.
" DINNERS READY!" I heard Mrs. Weasley yell knocking me out of my thoughts.
" Thank merlin I'm starving!" George said before sprinting downstairs.
" Coming love?" Fred asked standing up and extending his hand out to help me up.
I blushed at what he called me before asking " Love? Is that my new nick name?"
His smile dropped and his ears turned a deep shade of red as if he was concerned I didn't like it.
" I love it!" I smiled before accepting his hand and standing up. I was about to let go of his hand when he squeezed it tighter and smiled down at me. I smiled back as a blush crept to my cheeks and we made our way downstairs.

When we entered the kitchen , I saw someone running straight towards me nearly knocking me of my feet and causing me to let go of Fred's hand. I immediately recognised her brown bushy hair to be Hermione's.
" Y/n I've missed you so much!"
" I missed you to Hermione!" I looked around the kitchen and saw Charlie , Bill , Percy , Ron and Harry had got here. " Hey everyone"
I got back a mix of " Hey " and " Hi y/n".
I suddenly felt my wrist being pulled and realised Hermione was pulling me down into the seat next to her. I looked over to Fred who was now sat opposite me and smiled. He smiled back when Mrs. Weasley made some butterbeers and pumpkin juice float onto the table. I was about to fill my cup up when Fred reached over and grabbed it and asked " Pumpkin juice or butterbeer?"
"  Pumpkin juice please but I can pour my own drink you know " I said smirking.
" But I'm so much better at it he said winking at me.I smiled and accepted the cup from him.

After dinner Mr. Weasley said that he had a surprise for us.
" We ... have ... tickets... to ... the ... quidditch World Cup!!!" Mr. Weasley burst out.
" Bloody hell!" Ron shouted. The room was filled with excitement.
" Top box seating!" Mr. Weasley added on making it even louder.

Eventually Mrs. Weasley sent everyone out of the kitchen so she could clear everything away. I stayed behind to ask if she needed any help clearing away which she accepted and she asked if I could put the dishes away. I always enjoyed helping her in the kitchen weather it was cooking or cleaning.

Once I finished putting all the dishes away I started to make my way through to the living room and saw that Fred was walking towards me , my heard started beating a bit faster. Before he could come any nearer I was being pulled upstairs by Hermione and Ginny.
" Sorry , we'll talk later ." I shouted over to him and he just half smiled back but looked disappointed.

Consolations : Fred weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now