9//The Birthday Cake//9

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" FRED!!!! GEORGE!!!!!" I screamed.
I had been woken up to ice cold water being poured over me. I opened my eyes to see two tall gingers running from the room laughing violently. I practically leaped out of bed and grabbed my wand then running downstairs chasing them. But when I reached the kitchen they had ran outside into the garden.
I ran out bear foot looking for them but I could only see George so I snuck around the house to catch him of guard because there's no way I could catch up to them with how long their legs are. I stand still and quiet and sure enough he runs round and is facing me with a surprised and worried look. He try's to run the other way but I was prepared " Aguamenti" I shout pointing my wand at his face.
" That was a mistake y/l/n" George says once he's wiped his eyes. I turn to run but I instantly bump into something hard and am thrown over someone's shoulder. I instantly recognise the person by his scent of burnt wood and fireworks.
" FRED put me down!" I say kicking my legs and desperately trying to get free.
" If you say so y/l/n" Fred replies and puts me on the floor straddling me and immediately starts tickling me.
" F-f-Fred s-s-s-stop I-it" I struggle to get out the words but manage in between tickles.
" Sorry love no can do" he says.
" George help!" I plead but I don't get a reply.
" He's gone it's just us love" Fred says and stops tickling me but is still pinning my arms at my side. I suddenly become very aware of our position and my cheeks burn.
I see that Fred's staring deep into my eyes and I stare back trying not to break the eye contact. He glances down at my lips and back to my eyes again and I see him start to lean down staring at my lips, I close my eyes but I hear the laugh of Ginny from the doorway , I open my eyes and see Fred get up and offer a hand to me. I take it and he helps me up before drying my clothes and hair for me with his wand.
We walk to the house and Ginny is smiling furiously " Having fun were we?" She asks smirking. I choose to ignore her and walk upstairs to get ready.

I get to the bathroom and my mind is flooding with questions like 'was Fred just about to kiss me' ' what would've happened if Ginny hadn't interrupted'. I barely payed attention to what I was doing but I was dressed and ready in what seemed no time at all. This is the outfit:

I walked out of the bathroom to see Fred leaning in the doorway waiting for me " Shall we start Ginny's cake?" He asked in a calm voice that gave me butterflies

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I walked out of the bathroom to see Fred leaning in the doorway waiting for me " Shall we start Ginny's cake?" He asked in a calm voice that gave me butterflies.
" Yeah sure"
" Okay well it's just us because dad and Percy are at work and mums took everyone else to diagon alley"
" Okay" I smiled.

We walked downstairs talking about the start of school , and walked into the kitchen.
" Where do we start?" He asked.
" So you asked me to help make a cake and neither of us know how to make one?"
" Yeah it's gunna be fun huh?" He laughed cheekily.
" Definitely"
We started pouring things into a bowl and mixing them not sure what we were doing in the slightest. " Okay so this says to add three eggs".
Fred started cracking eggs into the bowl laughing most definitely getting shell in.
" Your getting so much shell in" I laughed loudly.
" It's gunna be fine what's next"
" The flour it says 400g but we don't know where the scales are" I say still giggling.
" The flour is in that cupboard but I have no idea where the scales are we'll just have to guess!"
I was pouring the flour in the bowl when Fred swipes his thumb across my nose leaving a trail of flour. I try and hide my laugh but I'm still smiling widely.
I try and act shocked before picking up some flour " Your going to regret that weasley!" I throw the flour and it turns into a full on food fight. We started of just throwing flour but started throwing sugar and eggs even the cake batter we'd made so far. The kitchen was a complete mess and our clothes were covered in food. It was only when we ran out that we stopped and just burst into a fit of laughter.

Suddenly we heard the front door open and my heart dropped to my stomach.
" What on earth have you two been doing!" Mrs. Weasley shouted.
" We were trying to make a birthday cake for gins birthday but we got a bit carried away" Fred said but I could hear that he was trying to hide his smirk.
" Well you both better clean it all up and without magic!" She said as Fred lifted his wand " I want the kitchen spotless before dinner and I'll make Ginny's birthday cake never mind you two trying again!"
As soon as Mrs. Weasley left we started laughing again but immediately started cleaning because there was only two hours before dinner.

Once we had cleaned the entire kitchen using magic occasionally , we went upstairs to get changed.
" Seen as though ur clothes are ruined because of me you can wear one of my jumpers if you want" Fred said kinda quietly.
" I'd love to wear one" I reassured him.
He lead me into his and George's room and walked over to the dresser pulling out a jumper and handing it to me and a pair of his pj bottoms.
" Thanks Fred" I say turning to the bathroom to get changed.  The trousers drag on the floor but are still to long when I roll them up. The jumper is burying me and the sleeves go past my hands so I roll the sleeves up as well.
I walk out of the bathroom to see that Fred's changed and wearing a black vest that clings to his body perfectly and orange pj bottoms. I saw him looking me up and down and smiled internally.
" So what do you wanna do?"
" You can pay your debt of the massage" he said and winked at me.
" Sure let's get it over with"

Consolations : Fred weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now